abysszzz (愛睏~~~)
2015-07-26 13:43:43※ [本文轉錄自 Spurs 看板 #1Lj6wbt0 ]
作者: abysszzz (愛睏~~~) 看板: Spurs
標題: [情報] Popovich 論三分和內線角色的改變
時間: Sun Jul 26 13:22:35 2015
Gregg Popovich discusses three-point shot, changing roles for bigs in NBA
It’s changed. Charles Barkley may not want to hear it, but the NBA has
changed. Call it small ball, call them “jump shooting teams,” or define it
how you want, the three-pointer has become a cornerstone part of a modern
NBA offense. It’s an evolution, an adaptation in part due to changes in
the game’s rules and how they’re enforced.
There’s no better example of that evolution than Gregg Popovich and
the Spurs. When he and the Spurs won their first title in 1999, it was about
getting the ball inside to Tim Duncan and David Robinson,. Those Spurs
attempted 10.4 threes per game and hit just 33 percent of them. The 2014
title Spurs, on the other hand, attempted 21.4 threes per game and hit 39.7
percent of them. Duncan was still there, still the keystone to the arch,
but the roster was loaded with guys like Danny Green and Marco Belinelli,
who were there to knock down the three ball specifically (and Tony Parker,
who is there to penetrate then kick out to those shooters).
Gregg Popovich 和馬刺隊是這個改變的最佳範例。當1999年馬刺贏得總冠軍時,打法
差不多就是把球塞給內線的 Tim Duncan 和 David Robinson。這時的馬刺每場只有
Duncan還在,仍然是球隊的靈魂人物,但他的隊友換成像 Danny Green 或
Marco Belinelli,他們在場上的主要任務是投三分;還有 Tony Parker,他的任務是
Popovich did a rare 25-minute interview with former NBA player Tom Tolbert
of KNBR, and Pop talked openly about the evolution of the game (hat tip to
Uproxx for the transcription).
“You pay the price if you don’t make threes, and you pay the price if
you don’t get those threes off. One way that big guys are gonna still be
valuable is if you have a big guy that demands a double-team. If you have a
big guy that you don’t have to double-team? You’re in trouble. But if you
got a big guy, he better be somebody who is good enough that he commands a
double so it can get kicked, and moved, and you can penetrate or pitch for
the threes.
Pop 接受了一個少見的25分鐘長的,由前NBA球員 Tom Tolbert 所做的訪談。
[The three-pointer] is so much more valuable than a two-pointer that you
can’t ignore it. So, you try to have a balance between penetrating and
[jump-shooting]. But when you penetrate you always think about kicking it
to that uncontested three-point guy. So, what we’re doin’ now isn’t gonna
change a whole lot across the league because of that three-point line.”
It took a few things for the three pointer to become this much more valuable
in the NBA. The first part was to have more guys who could make the shot
— when it was introduced in 1979 guys in the NBA had grown up getting
yelled at by their coaches if they shot from that far away from the basket.
Why reduce the odds of making the bucket when it counted the same as a shot
that was closer? Today’s NBA is full of guys who grew up knowing that shot
had value in an extra point if they could hit it, so they grew up practicing
it and with coaches who encouraged it.