Kobe接受了Yahoo Sports的訪問 (怎麼最近一堆訪問)
Q: Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak has hinted that next season can be
your last. Could it be?
Q: 湖人總管Kupchak之暗示說下一季會是你最後一季, 真的是這樣嗎?
Kobe: “We haven’t set anything in stone and I’ve talked about it before.
But could this be the last [season]? Absolutely. It’s tough to decide. It’s
really tough to make those types of decisions. Players I have spoken to say,
'Kobe you will know.'
“I’m making this very simple. Either I like playing the game and going
through this process or I don’t. I try to strip it down to the simplest
form. Either I like playing some more or I don’t. But I think that decision
needs to be made after the season. It’s hard to make a decision like that
before the season.”
Kobe: "我們還沒有定案, 我之前就說過了. 但這一季就會是我的最後一季嗎? 這真的
很難決定, 真的很難去下這種決定. 跟我談過的球員都跟我說:'Kobe你接下來就會知道了.'
"我會把這件事變得非常簡單. 不管我是否喜歡打球或經歷這些過程, 我都會盡量把它
變成最簡單的形式, 無論我是否還想再打球. 我想這件事要等下個賽季結束後才能做決定.