[外絮] Shaquille O'Neal: 現在的NBA非常軟

作者: UrThereNow (老皮老闆)   2015-08-22 11:11:57
O'Neal 在最近專訪時提到現今NBA與以前的差別:
"It was actually kind of soft when I played, too. Before I played, that was
the real NBA, and I'm sure the guys that played before me would say that's
the real NBA. But before I came in, with Mike playing against Detroit and the
Bad Boys - that was the real NBA. I kind of played in the soft era, also. And
then of course, with me being dominant, everybody crying about the rules,
that just made it more so. But now it's very soft."
我以前打球的時後NBA的確有點軟. 我開始打球之前的NBA才是真正的NBA, 我確定那些比我
早打NBA的人也會覺得那才是真正的NBA. 在我來到NBA前, Michael Jordan正在與底特律及
那些壞小子對抗 - 那才是真正的NBA. 在我打球的時後NBA的球風就比較軟了, 而之後也是
一樣, 那個時候我統治了NBA, 大家都在抱怨規則, 這只會讓NBA球風變得更軟. 但是以目前
來說的話, 現在的NBA卻是非常的軟.
作者: Liaocavalier (Liao272727)   2015-08-22 11:53:00
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