st900278 (喵咪喵喵叫)
2015-09-04 11:59:58原文刪光光
剛剛看到有人覺得John Wall防守說還要再加強很怪
Wall seems to have hit a plateau in his career, whereby he has established
his ability to blow by any defender and find creative ways to bull to the rim
and finish. He’s honed his playmaking, and that showed up last year as he
cracked the 10.0 assists-per-game mark while reducing his overall shot attempts
But while his perimeter game is far better than when he arrived in the league,
it is not consistent enough for defenses to reckon it a threat. Until it gets
there, Wall will have to run the gauntlet that comes with being a
drive-and-kick point guard, and for the sake of the longevity of his career,
here’s hoping he can diversify a bit more.