Dukewang (manimal)
2015-10-16 12:09:09原文刊載於:
Cody Zeller(Chalortte Hornets, Center)-
Sibiling Rivalry
I’m Cody, but you’ve probably accidentally called me Tyler.
It’s OK. I forgive you.
When you come from a family with three brothers who are 7-feet-tall and have
all played in the NBA, that kind of thing comes with the territory.
One night during my rookie year with the Hornets, my oldest brother Luke came
down to Charlotte to watch Tyler and me play. In a restaurant the night
before the game, a little girl came running up with a pen and paper asking
for an autograph. I had only been in Charlotte for a few months but Tyler had
started for the Tar Heels when they won a National Championship a few years
before. She looked at the three of us and handed the paper to Tyler. He
smiled, signed it and slapped me on the back, “This is still my state.”
That’s what you have to get used to when you’re the youngest sibling.
當時只在Charlotte待了幾個月,但Tyler曾在幾年前為Tar Heels(北卡大的暱稱)效力,
Once the youngest, always the youngest. As the baby of the family, I grew up
having to scrap and claw for attention. Bending the rules, finding the
loopholes. My parents have always said that if the three of us walked into a
room, Luke, who’s a businessman now, would introduce himself to everyone in
the room. Tyler would be off the the corner because he’s the quieter, more
thoughtful one. And I would be trying to pull a prank on every person in the
room. That’s the job of the youngest sibling, or at least it was for me.
In high school, I was in the shadow of Luke and Tyler. They had both won
state championships before me. To this day, Luke still holds our high school’
s all-time scoring record. Tyler was dominant. When I was a freshman and
Tyler was a senior, I got to play varsity. But I didn’t get much time —
maybe I averaged 5 points a game. The annual tournament was a big deal and
that year, in the first game, Tyler came out and had something like 35
points, 15 rebounds and 5 dunks — in three quarters. Just a huge game. The
gym was completely full — seven thousand people in the crowd. We’d built up
a lead, so they put me in. People knew me as the youngest Zeller brother.
Maybe they had high hopes for me for the future, but I was still just a
freshman. The crowd wasn’t expecting what happened next.
Late in the fourth quarter, I got a steal and went in and dunked it on the
fast break. It was my first ever dunk in a high school game. The crowd went
crazy and gave me a standing ovation.
In the car after the game, Tyler was driving me home. (I didn’t even have my
learner’s permit yet.) He had just put up monster numbers and he was heading
to North Carolina the next year, but all he could think about was his
14-year-old brother’s dunk. “I had 35 in three quarters and you get a
standing O for one weak dunk? That’s ridiculous.”
Like I said, as the youngest you have to scrap and claw to get attention.
When you get that attention? Yeah, it feels good.
A lot of people want to make the sibling rivalry a big thing — some sort of
bitter rivalry — especially in the media. People always wonder, Do you guys
talk trash to each other? Not as much as we did when we were in elementary
school. My mom always says that our biggest rivalries happened not on the
driveway, but on the Nerf hoop in our bedrooms. As kids, Tyler used to stand
in front of the Nerf hoop and block every single one of my shots. I remember
crying because Tyler was relentless with the blocks. There’s still a huge
dent in the wall of our childhood house from an indoor basketball game that
went a little too far.