※ 引述《kobest (如履薄冰)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/zz698d5
: 不論是那一位教頭,只要是帶領詹姆斯(LeBron James)的球隊,他們的關係一定會被拿
: 出來討論。
: 帶頭逆轉 騎士氣走溜馬
: 騎士球星詹姆斯昨天輪休,看著球隊作客巫師吞敗,今天他回到主場迎戰溜馬,帶領球隊
: 重振旗鼓,全場攻下33分,並在終場前1分13秒的落後局面送出關鍵助攻,讓戴拉維多法
: (Matthew Dellavedova)投進追平三分球,拉出氣勢,終場騎士以100:96獲勝,確保東
: 區龍頭地位。
: 教頭泰隆魯(Tyronn Lue)在昨天對巫師賽前接受ESPN訪問,針對「詹皇」輪休不出賽表
: 示,「他不想出賽,我想要讓他上場,但他就是不想。」
: 美國福斯體育網今天下了一個標題,「詹姆斯的教練承認,無法在比賽時控制他想要做什
: 麼。」意即詹皇打定主意要休息,就算泰隆魯要求,詹皇也不會上場。
: 是否雙方蜜月期結束,「詹皇」又開始做「地下總教練」?泰隆魯自1月23日接替布萊特
: (David Blatt)至今戰績為12勝6負,帶兵勝率比布萊特的30勝11負還差,特別是近5場
: 比賽吞下3敗。
: 腿皇越來越得體了
有人說詹迷喜歡找原文 但實際上是酸酸喜歡造謠文 卻又要怪別人澄清
喜歡看假的被打臉 然後再酸澄清的人? 好怪的邏輯
James played 40 minutes, including the entire second half, in the Cavs' 99-97
loss to the Toronto Raptors on Friday.
"He didn't want to come out," Lue said. "He didn't want to come out. I
should've got him out, but he didn't want to come out. As the game started
down the stretch getting close, I said I'm going to get you out for a couple
minutes. He said, 'No!' He went crazy. That kind of has something to do with
sitting him today, an early game at 1 o'clock."