knic52976 (åƒæ»·å‘³é…ç¶ èŒ¶)
2016-03-12 15:26:06Phil Jackson gave Kurt Rambis a strong endorsement to return next season as
head coach.
禪師答應讓Kurt Rambis下季續任尼克的總教練
“I think he’s perfectly capable of doing that,” Jackson said when asked if
he wants Rambis to be coaching the Knicks. “We’ve talked many times over
the past four or five years about the obvious record that is created behind
his coaching in Minnesota and that puts a black mark on his coaching ability
at first glance.
"我覺得他有能力能做到" Jackson被問到他是否想要Kurt續任總教練時
“But he has a way of handling players. He’s relaxed, yet he has the ability
to keep them focused on the important parts of it. He’s a defensive-oriented
guy. I had him as my defensive coordinator for my teams in 2007, '08 and '09.
And I think he has a real good handle on that part. So we’ll see how they go.
And I think he has a real good handle on that part. So we’ll see how they go.
Jackson gave no indication if he would start a coaching search in the
James Dolan would have to approve Jackson's choice for head coach.
James Dolan (尼克老闆) 不得不批准Jaceson的選擇(?)
*Kurt Rembis在球員生涯中曾待過湖人、黃蜂、太陽及國王四隊