The Rockets were caught for Dwight Howard using a Stickum spray on his hands
in the first quarter of Saturday’s game against the Hawks.
在禮拜六對上老鷹的比賽中, Howard 在第一節被抓到把黏著劑噴到自己手上。
As Howard was about to check back into the game, he sprayed his hands at the
scorer’s table with a can covered in white tape – apparently to hide its
contents. He entered the game as Paul Millsap was at the free-throw line and
grabbed the ball after a made first attempt. When Millsap got the ball back
it clearly had a foreign substance on it.
在 Howard 從替補席回到比賽時候,他在記錄台旁用一罐被遮住內容物的噴霧罐噴在自己
手上。Howard 在 Millsap 要罰第二球的時候回到比賽,然後順手跟裁判要了球來摸一下
。當球回到 Millsap 手上時,可以看出球上明顯有異物黏在上面。
“I’ve never felt the ball like that ever,” Millsap said after the game. “
It was sticky. It was like super glue or something was on there. I couldn’t
get it off my hands. It was the weirdest thing ever.”
Millsap 賽後採訪回答記者說: "我從來沒有摸過有這麼奇怪觸感的球。那感覺超黏的。
Official Monty McCutchen grabbed the ball and went to each bench to issue a
warning, saying ‘Stickum is illegal in the NBA.’ After first going to the
Hawks bench he made his way toward the Rockets bench. Rockets coach J.B.
Bickerstaff slid in front of the can, still at the scorer’s table. McCutchen
noted he knew what Bickerstaff was hiding.
裁判 McCutchen 發覺這件事後帶著球到兩邊的板凳並警告雙方:"黏著劑在NBA是被禁止的
。" 在他首先警告完老鷹隊後,他走到火箭隊途中,火箭的代理教練 Bickerstaff 移位
到罐子前面意圖擋住裁判的視線。裁判事後也說出他有注意到 Bickerstaff 的意圖。
No penalty was enforced. The can was then removed from the scorer’s table by
a member of the Rockets’ staff. According to one person, the team did not
produce the spray can when ask for it later by an official.
The incident is under review by the NBA. Following the game, the ball in
question was asked for and delivered to the officiating crew.
順便補充一下,原文 Stickum Spray 就是有黏性的噴霧劑,以前也有 NFL 球員承認使用
因為手黏性很高?不知道是不是真的就是了。希望這回事不會最後"查無不法 謝謝指教"