a7904120 (pubear)
2016-04-17 08:54:21資料來源:http://goo.gl/j93Jqp
There will never be another Joey Crawford
傳奇裁判Joey Crawford
LeBron, Kobe and other players reflect on their fondest memories of the legend
ary referee who retired after 39 seasons
LeBron, Kobe跟其他球員對傳奇裁判Joey Crawford的回憶
LeBron James considers himself "a historian of the game," and takes pride not j
ust in dominating his own era of NBA basketball but in schooling himself about
who and what has come before.
LeBron James認為自己是”比賽的歷史學家“,他不僅自豪自己稱霸的時代,也師法以前
Just a few days ago, for example, James spent an off-night in Chicago watching
a 1997 playoff game between Utah and Houston on NBA TV, eager to understand the
how's and why's of John Stockton's 3-pointer that sent the Jazz to their first
NBA Finals.
就在幾天前,舉個例子,LeBron James在芝加哥花了整晚用NBA TV看1997年爵士打火箭的季
後賽,想要知道John Stockton怎樣用三分球幫助爵士進到總決賽。(這打廣告來著?)
So the impact of newly retired NBA referee Joey Crawford's 39-year career wasn'
t lost on the Cleveland Cavaliers star.
Joey Crawford 39年的吹判生涯並沒有遺漏LeBron。
"To see him reffing Finals games in the early '90s and then have him ref some o
f my Finals games in 2011, 2012