iamlilt (lilT)
2016-05-06 23:17:39老實說每個人的英文程度不同,看到一句話能不能理解他想表達的意思也不一定
※ 引述《s90523 (小楓)》之銘言:
: 特地找了原文來看,看不出來老鷹球員有什麼不滿。
: 以下原文網址 https://goo.gl/wrpylR
: ※ 引述《idk ( ‼ )》之銘言:
: : 消息來源:http://xw.qq.com/c/sports/20160506059464
: : 內容:騎士與老鷹東區準決賽第3戰明日打響。而在賽前,兩隊球員針對騎士在第2戰狂投
: : 三分刷紀錄一事打起了嘴仗。對此,James回應道,勇士在贏下第72場後,難道就不應該
: : 追求73勝嗎?
: : 東區準決賽次戰,騎士外線手感爆棚,首節8記三分,半場投中18個三分,三節打到一半
: : ,他們已經投中了第21個三分,平了季後賽單場三分球命中數紀錄。當時騎士大比分領先
: : ,不過他們繼續遠投,最終以25個三分打破歷史單場三分紀錄(包括例行賽和季後賽)。
: The Cavaliers made 25 on the night, the most in NBA history for a game,
: playoff or regular-season.
: : 對於騎士大比分領先之下刷三分紀錄,老鷹眾將很是不滿。「如果當時換做是我們,我們
: : 也許不會像他們那麼做的。」Horford說道,「這很難說,但我會說不應該這麼做。」
: Hawks big man Al Horford echoed his frontcourt mate's sentiments.
: "We probably wouldn't do anything like that [if we were in that position],"
: he told cleveland.com. "...It's hard to say, but I would say no."
: Horford明明是針對如果老鷹在相同狀況下,
: 可能不會這樣做,請問哪裡有說騎士不該如此呢,
: 而且原文中Horford是在附和Millsap的發言,
: 老鷹系統如此並不代表其他隊也應該要這樣做。
英文用I wouldn't do anything like that 就是委婉的說對方不應該這麼做
換句話說就是他同意Millsap 的話,他也認為騎士不應該在那個情況下繼續投三分破紀錄
: : 「我並不會為此感到生氣,只是繼續保持我的職業態度。」Millsap說道,「如果你想那
: : 樣去破紀錄,那就那麼做吧。我們球隊有自己的精神,如果我們遇到這樣的事情,是不會
: : 繼續投三分球的,但其他球隊未必如此。所以,你能怎麼做呢?」
: "It's a certain way of being a professional," the Hawks' Paul Millsap said to
: cleveland.com. "I'm not mad about it, but just being professionals man. If
: that's how you want to approach it, that's how you approach it. I think our
: team and our organization has class and I don't think we would have continued
: to do that, but other organizations do other things so what can you do about
: it?"
: Millsap的發言就翻譯的差不多。
Millsap 說 "...I think our team and organization has class...but other organization do other things...."
這不是明著說騎士隊沒格調? Cavs got no class?
: : 相比Horford和Millsap,老鷹悍將Bazemore的語氣要更重。「我相信凡事都有因果循環。
: : 」Bazemore說道,「這次他們破了三分紀錄,說不定很快就輪到我們了。每個人都知道他
: : 們是怎麼打球的,當他們領先時,就變成了完全不同的一支球隊。我們會再次碰面的,這
: : 只是系列賽第2場,並不是第4場。他們想要真正慶祝,得先再贏下我們兩場再說。」
: "I'm a firm believer in karma," the small forward said to cleveland.com.
: "Maybe we'll be the team to break that record soon. Everyone knows how they
: play. They get out in front and they're a totally different team. It is what
: it is. We'll see them again. That wasn't Game 4. That was only Game 2. They
: still have to beat us two more times before they can really celebrate
: anything."
: 老實說不知道Bazemore這樣講有什麼問題,
: 他既沒批評騎士不應該繼續投,
: 也只是說系列賽還沒打完,騎士就算要慶祝也是要等晉級也沒錯啊,
: 就算知道很難贏,但難道要唱雖自己球隊嗎?
因為 Bazemore 暗指騎士隊這樣做會遭報應啊
Karma 就是因果報應。在這種情況下你說你相信因果報應
: 雖然老鷹目前為止打是真的爛透了,
: 但就只是接受訪問針對騎士破紀錄有什麼看法而已,
: 也沒有不爽騎士在垃圾時間繼續破紀錄。
I'm so baffled by this. What the fuck are they saying.
First, in a playoff game, thinking they should let off the brakes is ridiculous. We've seen some crazy chokes this year. In little league, running up the score might be a problem, in the NBA playoffs,
With that being said... **the Cavs benched their starters for the 4th**. They *didn't* run up the score, *or* the record! This is a really pathetic gripe for these players. If they had left JR smith i
probably the safest thing a winning team can do. Why would they risk sending Kyrie to the basket, for some angry bench Hawk player to give him a hard foul in a won game? The Cavs did the sensible thin
I guess these Hawks players are just trying to get hyped for next game... "they disrespected us" and stuff. But leave that to the locker room. They look totally ridiculous in the media.
Seriously though, the guys that played the fourth quarter are our third stringers at best. If your fragile ego can't handle Dahntay Jones and Old Man Mo Williams hitting threes, play some fucking defe
If anything, them standing around chucking is what allowed the Hawks to get the deficit under 40 and then under 30.
Call me old fashioned, but how about you play some defence next time instead of complaining?