"(James) stepped over me and I felt like that was disrespectful," Green told
The Undefeated's Marc J. Spears. "I don't disrespect you on the court. Don't
disrespect me. There's no love lost. It is what it is. It’' a battle out
there. I'm going to battle with whoever it is."
"We had our words," Green said. "I said what I had to say and he said what he
had to say. Move on. I'm not going to sit there and argue with him. I know
what position I'm in, in terms of double techs and stuff. Just move on from
Green覺得跨人的行為很不尊重, 但他也知道自己技術犯規及惡犯的紀錄, 所以之後也
心得: 被跨都會很不爽吧OuO