President Obama has 'discussed' being NBA owner, White House says
Much has been made of what might be next for President Barack Obama after he
leaves the White House in January. According to press secretary Josh Earnest,
becoming an NBA owner might be an option.
Earnest said Wednesday that the president, well known for being a big fan of
Chicago sports teams, has "discussed" being part of an ownership group for an
NBA franchise. Earnest added that Obama would pursue the opportunity
"potentially ... under the right circumstances."
Obama, 54, has previously expressed an interest in becoming an NBA owner,
telling GQ Magazine in November that he "absolutely" would want to be part of
an NBA ownership group.
"I have fantasized about being able to put together a team and how much fun
that would be," he said in the GQ interview. "I think it'd be terrific."
白宮媒體部門秘書Josh表示, Obama總統一月卸任後去當一支NBA球隊老闆會是可能的選項
Obama去年11月跟GQ雜誌表達了他對於成為NBA球隊老闆的興趣, 說他"絕對"會想要成為一