※ 引述《thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)》之銘言:
: 原文網址: http://tinyurl.com/hyu54o2
: Jarrett Jack sends out laughing tweet after Nets waive him and sign Jeremy Lin
: The Brooklyn Nets waived Jarrett Jack this week, deciding to part ways with
: the 32-year-old point guard who’s been a scoring presence for the team off
: the bench for the last couple seasons.
: On Friday, the Nets went and found another point guard: The team signed
: Jeremy Lin to a reported 3-year, $36 million deal.
: 在林書豪與籃網隊簽下3年36M的合約消息曝光之後
: Jareett Jack隨後就在個人推特上發文
: httpsH://twitter.com/Jarrettjack03/status/748885312995151873
: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
: 看起來今天才剛被籃網裁掉的Jack,心裡應該很不是滋味.......
幫 Jack 他說說話
Jarrett Jack 他非常愛用"haha"寫推特
常常莫名其妙就 ha 起來
我在他的推特上光是搜尋 "haha" 就有100多個結果
為了版規湊足字數 轉貼幾則他過去的發言:
6/27 I surprise myself sometimes how I play it hahhahaa
6/26 Hahaha
6/26 Ahaha I already be knowing
6/20 Don't act like y'all don't see @usher up there hahahahahahahahahah you don't
have to call face ass hahahaha
5/27 Can u fill me in face ass haha RT @ThatBoyCurtis: Craig David is back
5/22 Ain't no negotiating huh haha RT @naeashlan: If I like you, you my man idgaf
what u talkin bout ????
5/22 Hahahahahahahahahah he called him bell Biv biyombo
5/13 Yo how Martin Gon ask Shorty if she from cleavage Ohio hahahahaha with is
girl sitting next to him hahahahahahahahahah
5/3 Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahauahauauau