Re: [新聞] 伊戈達拉:雷霆應該贏得總冠軍

作者: wen8278 (冰沙)   2016-07-15 15:02:29
好奇去找了原文 看小AI到底說了什麼
"Now that we got (Kevin Durant), I can say it. They were the best team last
year in the league in the playoffs," Iguodala said. "They were better than
us. They were better than Cleveland.
"They played us better than anybody. They played us better than Cleveland
did. They had our number."
"(The Cavs) got the momentum," Iguodala said about the NBA Finals.
"Everything happens for a reason. They deserved it."
前兩段跟報導說得差不多 但最後一段沒提到
大概是說 勇士讓騎士起死回生 找回了氣勢 是他們最終輸掉的原因
心得:雖然最後冠軍是騎士 不過我怎麼覺得小AI對OKC的評價比較高...
勇士這兩季爭議言論蠻多的 去年贏了嗆騎士爛 今年輸了
作者: tom501062003 (池袋情報商)   2016-07-15 15:06:00
今年就是失敗了 哪有這麼多廢話可以講傻眼
作者: penguinbaby2 (企鵝)   2016-07-15 15:29:00
作者: ssd123698745 (noel)   2016-07-15 16:25:00
講真的雷霆這種打法 若進final中二日真的很可怕西冠最後杜蘭西河都攻守兩頭燒到沒力了

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