"I was ready to just say, ‘OK, let’s go,'" said Durant, suggesting Brady's
presence might have instantly made the Celtics an attractive option. "Just
seeing someone so successful at his craft. He's a great ambassador for the
game of football and the city of Boston. It's great to be in the presence of
such greatness. But at the same time, I knew I couldn’t let that distract
事實就是當時KD還沒做決定, Celtics 搬出 Brady 確實是一次不錯的嘗試, 但是KD
不想讓這個影響他(的判斷). 版上的酸民要怎麼樣腦補我沒辦法阻止, 但是寫新聞的
可以這樣翻譯嗎? 標題可以這樣下嗎? 要黑人也不是這樣為黑而黑吧?