donkilu (donkilu)
2016-09-22 14:32:35※ 引述《pasterk ()》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《royhsu425 (Roy)》之銘言:
: : The Cavs brought back guard Mo Williams on a two-year deal in an attempt to
: : help LeBron James and Co. finish what was started back in his first stint
: : with the team. After winning the NBA Championship this past season, Williams
: : picked up the second year of his player option, but rumors came up that he
: : was strongly considering retirement due to a bad knee that plagued him all
: : last season.
: : 上季鳳還巢、簽下1+1的Mo經考慮再三後,鑑於膝蓋傷勢決定退休,因此上季是他在
: : NBA生涯的最後一個球季。
騎士隊上季以1+1簽回Mo Williams,期盼他能與詹姆斯一償當年未竟之宿願,
: : The Cavs had an option to waive him by August 31st in order to stretch his
: : contract out and pay him over a couple of years as opposed to one. They
: : passed on it, and after a couple weeks of deliberation, Mo Williams has made
: : his decision.
: : 騎士本可在8/31前動用選項裁掉,但當時仍不知Mo的動向,幾個禮拜過後,有今天的結
: 果
(譯註: 這裡的裁員選項為Stretch Provision,離隊球員的薪水會分攤到未來數年給付,
: : Williams’ return means the Cavs will have at least one veteran guard in the
: : lineup behind Kyrie Irving. Rookie Kay Felder will be a solid addition to th
: e
: : team, but the guard out of Oakland University will have a lot to learn as a
: : backup point guard for the NBA Champions.
: : Mo的退休直接衝擊到替補控衛的缺,Kyrie Irving的替補人選目前有菜鳥Kay Felder,
: : 但他還有很長一段路要走
老莫歸來,意味著騎士的後衛陣容除了Kyrie Irving外,至少還有一名沙場老將能用。
菜鳥Kay Felder能為球隊做出貢獻,但要做個稱職的,總冠軍等級的替補後衛,