ddrose (Daisuki D.Rose)
2016-11-24 10:30:39http://www.thescore.com/nba/news/1163476
Knicks' Rose acknowledges vintage form is gone
Presumably, one of the hardest things for a professional athlete to do is
come to the realization that they'll never be the player they once were,
whether it's due to injury, old age, or a combination of the two.
In the case of New York Knicks point guard and former league Most Valuable
Player Derrick Rose, a series of operations on both knees have greatly
hindered the explosiveness he once had, although it hasn't completely
rendered him inefficient as a player.
曾經的聯盟MVP,現效力於紐約尼克隊的 Derrick Rose經歷過雙膝手術後
Nonetheless, Rose admits that the player who once averaged 25 points a night
and took the basketball world by storm not too long ago is gone forever. Does
that mean he can't be a productive talent who shouldn't be taken seriously,
though? Absolutely not.
"That vintage (Rose) is gone, man," Rose said following New York's 107-103
win over the Portland Trail Blazers on Tuesday, according to the New York
Daily News' Stefan Bondy. "I told you the question should be: Can I hoop? I
can hoop. It shouldn't be like he's playing like his old self. Like, if I can
hoop, I can hoop, no matter if I did that when I was younger or now. I can
play the game of basketball."
“我回不去了” 在尼克107-103擊敗拓荒者後,Rose接受採訪表示 “重
點應該是我還能不能打球? 如果我還能打,不論以前或現在的我做了什麼
With perhaps his biggest bucket since arriving in The Big Apple following a
trade from the Chicago Bulls, Rose stepped back and connected on his first
jumper of the game over an outstretched Maurice Harkless to put his Knicks up
by four with 6.8 seconds remaining in the fourth quarter.
也許是從被交易來尼克後最關鍵的一球,Rose在終場前6.8秒step back
"I finally shot the ball up. It's all legs, man," Rose added. "That's what I
mean. Like your whole life you're used to a 1-2 rhythm. You have one injury,
and that kind of resets everything. Let alone you have three, and you've got
to find your 1-2, how high you want your jump on your shot, how high you want
to jump on your threes.
“我終於把它投進了,腳的力量至關重要” Rose補充道” 就像是你整個
"I missed preseason. All those little things count. Like, this entire time,
these three or four years, I'm playing catch-up."
Rose finished with 18 points, four rebounds, and five assists in 28 minutes,
with the victory moving New York back up to the .500 mark (7-7) for the first
time since splitting the first two games of the 2016-17 regular season.