Jeffy (傑飛)
2016-12-07 18:53:36http://cbafaq.com/blog/?p=381
What is Motiejunas doing?
D-Mo 在幹嘛?
As reported by Yahoo! Sports, Donatas Motiejunas has refused to report to the
Rockets for a physical exam.
Motiejunas is the Rockets’ restricted free agent. He signed an offer sheet
with the Nets on December 2, which starts a 72-hour clock for the Rockets to
match. If the Rockets match, they keep Motiejunas on the same principal terms
as Brooklyn’s offer sheet. If the Rockets don’t match, the offer sheet
becomes a contract with the Nets.
D-Mo是火箭的受限制自由球員。他在十二月二日,跟籃網簽下了 offer sheet,火箭
要內容』的條件」留下D-Mo。如果火箭不跟進,那張 offer sheet 就變成正式合約。
(譯註:「跟進合約」對小弟來講,一直是很謎的點,但照 Larry Coon 近幾篇文章
點等等;但是在 bonus、付款條件等等,這些不需要跟 offer sheet 相同,母隊可以
不跟進非 principal terms 的內容)
The Rockets chose to match on December 5, by issuing a First Refusal Exercise
Notice. A team is allowed to condition its exercise of first refusal rights
on the player passing a physical exam, and apparently the Rockets did just
that. The player is required to report for his physical within two days, and
must comply with the process.
However, Motiejunas and his agent, B.J. Armstrong, apparently have other
ideas. As reported by Yahoo!, Motiejunas is refusing to report for his
physical. And here’s where it gets weird:
然而,D-Mo跟他的經紀人 B.J. Armstrong 明顯有別的打算了。依照雅虎的報導,
D-Mo 拒絕向火箭報到並接受體檢,而從這裡開始,事情就變得詭異了:
I’m not entirely sure what “rights” Armstrong is referring to. The rules
for restricted free agency are laid out pretty clearly in the CBA, and the
players (collectively) agreed to those rules. Trying to get out of that
arrangement goes against the spirit, intent and letter of restricted free
agency, to which the players agreed.
我(Larry Coon)不是很清楚,Armstrong講的「權力」指的是什麼。受限制自由球員
的規則,很明確的寫在CBA 裡面,而球員也共同同意了這些規則。(D-Mo方)試著擺脫
Here’s the rule I’m referring to. I’m assuming that Houston’s qualifying
offer was properly executed, Brooklyn’s offer sheet was properly executed,
Houston’s first refusal exercise notice was properly executed, and that
Houston conditioned its first refusal exercise notice on Motiejunas passing a
的offer sheet正式提出、而火箭的優先續約權也正式提出,而且前提是D-Mo 必須通過
(h) Any Team may condition its First Refusal Exercise Notice on the
player reporting for and passing, in the sole discretion of the Team, a
physical examination to be conducted by a physician designated by the Team
within two (2) days from its exercise of the Right of First Refusal. In
connection with the physical examination, the player must supply all
information reasonably requested of him, provide complete and truthful
answers to all questions posed to him, and submit to all examinations and
tests requested of him. In the event the player does not pass the physical
examination: (i) the ROFR Team may withdraw its First Refusal Exercise Notice
within two (2) days following the date upon which such physical examination
is conducted; and (ii) if the First Refusal Exercise Notice is withdrawn, the
player and the New Team shall be deemed to have entered into a Player
Contract in accordance with the provisions of Section 5(f) above. In the
event the player does not submit to the requested physical examination within
two (2) days of the exercise of the Right of First Refusal then, until such
time as the player submits to the requested physical examination and is
notified of the results, the ROFR Team’s conditional First Refusal Exercise
Notice shall remain in effect, except that the ROFR Team may elect at any
time to withdraw its First Refusal Exercise Notice, which shall have the
effect of invalidating the Offer Sheet and causing the Team that issued the
Offer Sheet to be prohibited from signing or acquiring the player for a
period of one (1) year from the date the First Refusal Exercise Notice was
withdrawn. If the player does not submit to the requested physical
examination on or before March 1, the Offer Sheet shall be deemed invalid and
the Team that issued the Offer Sheet shall be prohibited from signing or
acquiring the player for a period of one (1) year from such March 1.
隊以未通過體檢為理由,撤回優先續約權時,該球員簽下的 offer sheet會被認定為
拒絕報到體檢,而且母隊放棄優先續約)原本簽好的 offer sheet會變成無效,而且
發出 offer sheet的球隊,會在母隊撤回優先續約權的一年內,不得簽下或交易來該
球員。如果球員沒有在三月一號前接受體檢,offer sheet 會被認定為無效,而發出
offer sheet 的球隊,會在該三月一日起算的一年內,不得簽下或交易該球員。(以
D-Mo)放進自己的 roster。
So, summarizing what the rule says:
Houston is allowed to make its first refusal exercise notice contingent
on Motiejunas passing a physical.
The player must submit to and cooperate with his physical, which is to
take place within two days of the exercise of the first refusal exercise
If Motiejunas doesn’t report for his physical, Houston’s first refusal
exercise notice remains in effect until he does.
如果 D-Mo 拒絕接受火箭體檢,火箭的優先續約權仍然有效,
However, Motiejunas’ refusal to submit for his physical gives the
Rockets the option of withdrawing its first refusal exercise notice. If the
Rockets withdraw its first refusal exercise notice, it invalidates Brooklyn’s
offer sheet as well, and Motiejunas returns to restricted free agency.
會讓籃網的 offer sheet 失效,D-Mo的身份回到受限制自由球員。
If the first refusal exercise notice is withdrawn, Brooklyn’s offer
sheet is invalidated and Motiejunas returns to restricted free agency,
Brooklyn can’t sign or acquire him for one year.
So the Rockets have two options at this point. First, they can just sit
tight. Their first refusal exercise notice remains in effect until Motiejunas
decides to report. He can’t sign or play anywhere else, including Brooklyn,
in the meantime.
所以火箭現在有兩個選擇:一,坐著看好戲。 直到D-Mo報到體檢以前,他們的優先
Second, the Rockets could withdraw its first refusal exercise notice, putting
Motiejunas right back where he started — except Brooklyn is no longer an
option. And if he doesn’t sign with the Rockets directly, or sign an offer
sheet with another team in the meantime, then the Rockets can issue another
qualifying offer to make him a restricted free agent in 2017.
簽;而且,假使D-Mo不願意直接跟火箭簽約、(回到RFA身份後)不簽下新的offer sheet
And it could get worse for him. The CBA also says a player shall not receive
credit for a year of service for any year in which he “…withholds playing
services called for by a Player Contract or this Agreement for more than
thirty (30) days after the Season begins.” It’s important to note here that
the rules for restricted free agency say that when a team issues a first
refusal exercise notice, the player and team “…shall be deemed to have
entered into a Player Contract.” Motiejunas is, for all intents and
purposes, under contract with the Rockets now, and the Rockets have all the
rules related to player discipline for failure to report at their disposal
(along with the right to kick him to the curb by withdrawing their first
refusal exercise notice).
This all seems pretty clear to me, so I’m still not sure what “rights”
Armstrong is referring to. Maybe his end game is to get the Rockets to
withdraw its first refusal exercise notice, and then Armstrong and the
Rockets negotiate a separate contract that is more favorable to Motiejunas.
But why should the Rockets let a player leverage them into signing a
different contract that’s less favorable to the team, when the team holds
all the cards here?
這些規定,對我(Larry Coon)來說是相當明確的,所以我不確定Armstrong講的
「權力」是什麼東西。或許 Armstrong真正想要的是讓火箭撤回,然後跟火箭重新
Armstrong isn’t exercising a right. He’s trying to strong-arm a team.
Armstrong 並不是在行使「權力」,他只是試著用蠻力去對付球隊而已。