[情報] 熱火明天要退休O'Neal的32號球衣

作者: djviva (時鼠無奈)   2016-12-22 13:20:15
Shaquille O'Neal will be third Heat player to have jersey retired
Shaq將會成為第三位熱火退休球衣球員 http://tinyurl.com/zghknre
Dwyane Wade remembers when he initially heard the rumor that Shaquille O'Neal
was coming to the Miami Heat, and how his first reaction was disbelief.
Wade記得當年他第一次聽到Shaq要來熱火的傳言時, 腦中浮現的第一印象是不可置信
And then came the 18-wheeler that carried O'Neal to his public arrival in
Miami, as he happily fired a squirt gun at throngs of screaming fans.
18輪大卡車把O'Neal托運來到Miami, 他對著球迷們開心的射水槍引起一陣陣驚呼
"We had a vision to be a championship team," Wade told The Associated Press
on Wednesday, "but it wasn't for real for real until Big Fella came and
pulled up on that truck."
Wade說:"我們懷著成為總冠軍球隊的心念, 但直到大傢伙(Big Fella)來之前都沒能成真"
A grand celebration was had on that day in July 2004. The franchise's first
of three NBA championships followed two years later, and the Heat will give
O'Neal their version of an ultimate thank you on Thursday night when they
raise his No. 32 to the rafters.
2004七月熱火展開了盛大的慶祝, 隊史三座冠軍的第一座, 就在Shaq到來後的第二年獲得
, 於是熱火將會於明天對戰也退休了Shaq球衣的湖人隊時, 以退休Shaq在熱火的32號球衣
He will be the third Heat player to get such an honor, joining Alonzo
Mourning and Tim Hardaway.
Shaq將是繼Alonzo Mourning及Tim Hardaway之後, 第三位被熱火榮退球衣的球員
"I said, 'I promise I'm going to bring a championship here,'" O'Neal said.
"And we did."
O'Neal說:"我曾應許會替這城市帶來一座總冠軍, 我們也真的辦到了"
Fittingly, the Heat will fete O'Neal at halftime of a game against the Los
Angeles Lakers
作者: dream1285201 (Jon)   2016-12-22 13:23:00

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