[外絮] KD & Curry still finding a balance

作者: djviva (時鼠無奈)   2017-01-10 15:59:45
Warriors schedule week 12: Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry still finding a balance
勇士本季的第12週: KD跟Curry依然再找共處的平衡點 http://tinyurl.com/hy57c9k
In between Friday's loss to the Memphis Grizzlies and Sunday's win over the
Sacramento Kings, it felt a lot like the beginning of the Golden State
Warriors' season. They talked about needing to grow, figuring each other out
and peaking come playoff time. Observers opined about how coach Steve Kerr
should handle late-game situations. There was concern about how Kevin
Durant's presence has affected Stephen Curry, and balancing his ability to
create his own shot with the Warriors' beloved ball movement.
週五輸給灰熊以及週日擊敗國王, 金州勇士感覺還像是剛開季在磨合, 依然說著還需要
繼續成長, 繼續熟悉彼此, 好以顛峰狀態進入季後賽; 觀察者認為Kerr應該好好控制住
比賽後段的局面, 外界也有著KD加盟後對於Curry造成影響的關心, 以及KD 在一邊融入
勇士引以為傲的流動球時, 該如何平衡替自己創造出手機會的能力
I'm not going to say all this was unwarranted. Golden State showed some
previously unseen flaws in last year's playoffs, and they came to light again
in its Christmas Day loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers and its collapse against
Memphis. The Warriors have clearly been the best team in the league over the
course of the season, but there are lingering questions about them that
cannot be answered in the couple of games they play this week. That makes
them more interesting, doesn't it?
我不會去說這些都是沒有根據的, 勇士的確在上季季後賽中露出了弱點, 之後這季輸給
騎士跟灰熊亦然, 勇士顯然已是聯盟最好的隊伍, 但卻仍有著揮不去的問號纏在身上,
這些都讓勇士更讓人感興趣, 不是嗎?
Durant's isolations
After arriving in the Bay Area, Durant said his new team showed him that he
had a lot to learn about the game. He had never played in a system like this,
so reliant on movement, misdirection and timing. For the most part, he has
adjusted well. He is holding the ball and dribbling it less than he did with
the Oklahoma City Thunder, and he has cut down his turnovers and increased
his shooting percentage. Durant is benefiting from open looks created by his
teammates, and in some games he's been equal parts facilitator and scorer.
When you factor in his defense, he has perhaps never been better.
作者: gn02355346yi (luvangel)   2017-01-10 16:09:00
勇士現在第一 被說成跟哈登魔獸一樣是哪招看看去年被酸到不行的Love 給點時間嘛焦土戰KD跟HB就差很多了 防守壓力完全不一樣
作者: swingingbear (Bear~XD)   2017-01-10 16:40:00
love是信心問題 前兩年打的很龜 偶爾想硬打也是磨兩下就傳無意義的回球 今年是打不進也要碾到禁區

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