Detroit Pistons president-coach Stan Van Gundy denied an ESPN report that ther
ere currently trade discussions with the Minnesota Timberwolves involving po
int guard Reggie Jackson.
“The hard thing is I think this group has enough talent to be a lot better th
an we are,” Van Gundy told the餸etroit Free Press. “I think we have enough t
alent to make a run. It has been hard to judge them because we just haven’t b
een together and played as a group.
“I think, in general, it would have to be a deal, at least in our minds, that
is a pretty obvious step forward. We’re not looking to make change for the s
ake of making change.”
“As you get closer to the deadline [Feb. 23], the playoff race gets a little
clearer and you’re talking about what everybody says is a very good (2017) dr
aft,” Van Gundy told糍he Detroit News. “People’s priorities could change mo
re in the next three weeks or so. You just don’t know. Jeff Bower’s job is t
o keep talking to 29 other GMs and know what’s out there.”