Windhorst would be 'stunned' if Rondo plays with Bulls again
ESPN的NBA記者Brian Windhorst在SportsCenter中表示他認為Rondo不會再代表公牛隊上
場了. 其中有意思的一段話:
"I'd like to congratulate Rondo, because he hits the hypocrite grandslam. He
says he doesn't talk to media. When you post something on Instagram, that IS
media. He says he was a good teammate. Go take a poll on that. He got sent
home in the middle of playoff by his team in Dallas a couple years ago. He
says he never chases stats. I mean that's a laughable thing. The guys used to
chase triple-double as bad as any body I've ever seen."
"Rondo的發言是言行不一的最佳寫照. 他說他不會在媒體上放話. 當你在IG上發文時就等
於是在媒體上發言. 他說他是好隊友. 去打聽打聽,他當年在Dallas時在季後賽打到一半時
被球團要求離隊. 他說他不追求數據. 這根本是笑話,他以前每場球拼大三元數據時搶得比
不管你同不同意Windhorst的說法,Rondo應該在Bulls待不下去了. 但是從Windhorst跟LBJ