ETtaiying (basketball_life)
2017-02-16 21:18:00原文恕刪
我想 Roy 教練在帶隊上有他的獨到之處
但是絕對跟 Roy 有關
原文長,只翻譯一小部分 (有誤請多指教)
縮網址: https://goo.gl/Iopxar
The influx of talent, including four more local prep stars,
led to questions about whether or not Roy orchestrated the
entire process, but he insisted he never spoke with any of
them before their transfers, and they all maintain they just
wanted the chance to learn the game froma local legend.
四位以上明星學生球員的加入招來 Roy 是否在背後操弄招募過程的質疑
然而面對質疑,Roy 表示在球員轉校的過程中,他本人從未跟這些球員
接觸,他們指使想要把握機會跟 NBA 明星球員學習的機會
(最後這句不確定是媒體捕的還是 Roy 自己說的)
“We weren’t considering Nathan Hale at all when we first
moved to Seattle,” Porter told the Seattle Times. “Then
we heard (Brandon) might be coaching at the school and thought, ‘
Wow, that would be a unique experience.’ We can go into this
together and try to make something great happen.”
Nathan Hale 中學。然而當我們聽到 Roy 可能是教練時,我們
都覺得這將是個獨特的經驗,可以跟 Roy 以起努力來成就些什麼。”