→ gaowolf : 06熱火小牛這個我倒覺得見仁見智 程度不像另外三年02/23 15:11
→ gaowolf : 那麼離譜02/23 15:11
如果沒看過至少去爬爬外國網站 看看ptt以外的人是怎麼看待那次系列賽的
06FMVP是史上最水的FMVP 沒有之一
大名鼎鼎的Tim Donaghy 大家都知道這位裁判賭球賭超大
他在偵訊期間 爆料07刺陽、02湖王 都是賭球裁判操縱的結果
直接說 06冠軍戰是聯盟和裁判操作出來的結果
i knew from the get go that dallas didn't have a chance in the nba finals.
people in the nba front office had no love for cuban and the majority of the
nba referees had even less. in the 2006 nba finals the mavs won the first two
games of the series against the miami heat at home. as the series began
shifting back to miami the league office began flooding game 3 and game 4
referees with video plays from games 1 and 2 that the higher ups felt should
of been called in favor of miami. the message was predictable and very clear:
miami was going to have an advantage in its own building, thus prolonging the
series and socking it to mark cuban. with millions of dollars of network
revenue on the line, a sweep by the mavs was out of the question. in game 5,
the referees handed miami a tremendous advantage by awarding the heat 49 free
throws during the contest, compared to just 25 for dallas. in the nba, its
tough enough for one teams five palyers to beat another teams five. but when
its five against eight, and three of the eight are referees, forget about
it-you've got no shot!
簡單來說就是 當時聯盟和裁判都很賭爛庫班
關鍵的第五戰 熱火獲得49顆罰球 小牛只有25顆
唐納吉形容 在NBA五對五已經夠難獲勝了 但小牛再那場系列賽是五打八
從5:30開始 第五戰的熱火一路在"關鍵第四節"開外掛到底
而菜迷的偶像 菜德 就是最大受益者
拿下了FMVP 什麼場均30 UP 第四節10UP
都是在這些賭球素質最好的NBA裁判嘴吧裡吹出來的 菜德整個JIZZ大爆發
空氣犯規一大堆 打的小牛不要不要的
過去雖然也有02西決 Biby的鼻子犯規
但黑哨連續黑四場 而且還是在總冠軍戰的
幾乎可以說06年冠軍 開啟了之後裁判操縱總冠軍的不歸路