djviva (時鼠無奈)
2017-04-14 12:58:49Just hand Golden State the NBA title, says Jeff Van Gundy: ‘It’s over’
前尼克跟火箭總教練Jeff Van Gundy表示"直接把冠軍盃頒給勇士吧, 球季結束了"
“Golden State is your champion. It won’t be close, No one is gonna push
them. It’s over. It’s over.”
不會是最接近冠軍的球隊, 勇士就是這季的冠軍, 沒有其他人有能力打倒他們, 結束了
“It would be a great time-saver if we just gave (the Warriors) the trophy
now,” Van Gundy said. “The playoffs are over — we just don’t know it yet.
I mean, we haven’t seen the results, but if they avoid an incident this year
and they are healthy, the playoffs are over. I don’t think the Warriors will
be challenged. … They are that much better than everybody else. I’d be
surprised if any series went to a seventh game.”
他又說如果直接把冠軍盃頒給他們將最省時間, 季後賽結束了我們只是還不知道罷了,
我是說我們還沒看到結果, 但如果勇士能避免出槌並保持健康, 季後賽就結束了, 我不
認為勇士能被其他任何隊伍挑戰到, 勇士比其他隊伍都要更好, 如果有人可以把勇士逼
“You really could see some team beating the Warriors in a series? Which
team? Which team has enough firepower to score with the Warriors?” he said.
“The only thing that could derail them is an incident — a suspension at the
wrong time in the wrong series — or an injury. Durant’s injury, if it
happened later in the regular season, could have had a profound impact on the
playoffs. I just don’t see how any team would have the combination of a Top
2 offense and a Top 2 defense. I mean, that’s unheard of, and they have it.”
哪一隊可以在系列賽中擊倒勇士? 哪一隊有足夠的火力比勇士拿更多分? 唯一能讓勇士
出槌的只有發生意外, 在不對的系列賽中發生不對的熄火, 或是受傷, KD的傷病如果在
例行賽更晚時發生就會對勇士的季後賽表現造成極大的影響, 我沒看到有任何其他球隊
“I think they will find their way back to the Finals,” he said of
Cleveland. “I think they’re the best talent and will evolve into the best
team in the East.”
對於騎士, Ven Gundy說"我想騎士還是能找到方法重回總冠軍賽, 他們有著最棒的天賦
“This is a three-year run that’s been incredible and (the Warriors) got
better this year,” he said on The Lowe Post podcast. “The only thing that I
think could make them stumble is another incident, or an injury. They had the
incident last year with Green … Now that they’re whole and healthy —
somebody trying to even get them to a seventh game, it’s hard for me to
勇士連續三年全聯盟最強例行賽戰績, 這相當的難以置信, 更何況勇士今年變得更好,
所以我覺得唯一能讓他們打的掙扎的, 只有出現另一次的意外或傷病, 上一季就是嘴猛
綠, 現在他們很完整並且健康, 若說有球隊可以試著把勇士拖進搶七大戰, 這對我來說