※ 引述《zjeff1 (我的褲檔裡有蛇)》之銘言:
: http://goo.gl/5nkiBy
: James Harden and the Rockets agreed to a renegotiated contract worth $118.1
: million through the 2019-20 season. With Harden firmly onboard, he joined the
: Rockets brass in their meetings with free agents.
: 鬍子同意火箭至2020年的1.18億美元合約 並加入火箭團隊招募自由球員
: They had an interesting pitch, which compared the Rockets guard to Steve Nash.
: 他們有個有趣的論調 將這位火箭球員和NASH做了比較
: ESPN’s Calvin Watkins detailed the Rockets’ approach to free agency in a
: feature story on Tuesday. After missing out on Atlanta Hawks free agents Al
: Horford and Kent Bazemore, Houston refocused its attention to Ryan Anderson
: and Eric Gordon.
: 在錯失了Al Horford和Kent Bazemore後 火箭將注意力轉到Ryan Anderson
: 和Eric Gordon身上
: Their pitch to Anderson was such a success that Anderson called his Pelicans
: teammate and fellow free agent Gordon and lined up a meeting with Houston.
: Harden would attend that meeting. Rockets general manager Daryl Morey showed
: videos of Nash’s time in Phoenix and explained their new roles under Mike D’
: Antoni’s system.
: Morey給他們看老衲的影片並解釋他們在冷笑話戰術系統下的新腳色
: Harden would play the part of Nash and in turn, let Gordon and Anderson
: flourish under their new parts.
: 鬍子會逐漸打得跟NASH一樣 讓Gordon和Anderson可以在新位置上發光發熱
: Harden said of the sales pitch via ESPN:
: “I got a little bit of Nash in me. He had his own pace to the game; that’s
: what I took out of that. You could never speed him up, you could never make
: him do anything he didn’t want to do, that’s what separated him from any
: other point guard at the time, which led to two MVPs.”
: 鬍子說:
: 倫家有部分的NASH在我身體裡 他在比賽中有自己的節奏 這也是我有der
: 你沒辦法催他或是叫他做任何他不想做的事 這讓他超越其他控衛並讓
: 他得到MVP
: Morey noted that Harden created a sixth-ranked 18 points per game on assists.
: Gordon agreed to a contract the same night of that meeting.
: Morey提到鬍子到的助攻每場平均可以創造18分 這在全聯盟排名第6
: 而Gordon也在這場會面中同意了新合約
: 心得:
: you could never make him do anything he didn’t want to do
: 是在暗示沒人可以叫我防守嗎
開季前 這篇新聞剛出現
看看底下的推文 各種冷嘲熱諷
鬍子在此之前 因為曾經跟書豪在火箭搶球權的關係
被板上很多人厭惡 以要犯規為主的打法也不是很討喜
已經進化為真幫主 會幫小弟和其他長老們著想了
但是如今卻是上下一條心 從Ariza和Harden的作文就看的出來
今天的鬍子 已經讓很多當初質疑他的聲音消失
離開火箭的其他前隊友帶領的隊伍 有的一輪遊 有的受傷球隊戰績墊底
拿到西區第三 這輪還可能扳倒馬刺 前進西決
雖然打法不同 但在讓隊友變得更好的這方面
如今的鬍子 是否已經很接近Nash了呢?