sscck5 (oraora)
2017-05-19 17:16:05※ 引述《kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)》之銘言:
: http://www.gooread.com/article/20122196456/
: http://tinyurl.com/m67kvoh
: Bradley Beal Says Cavaliers 'Didn't Want to See' Wizards in Playoffs
: 比爾說騎士不想要在季後賽見到他們
: "Cleveland didn't want to see us," he said in a Thursday interview with CSN's
: Chris Miller, via Chase Hughes of CSN Mid-Atlantic. "I felt like that's the
: reason they didn't play us in the second round. They didn't want to see us in
: the second round. If they were going to go down, they were going to go down
: in the conference finals. They didn't want to go down in the second round."
: “克利夫蘭不想和我們交鋒。”比爾說道,“我一直這麼說,這也是為什麼他們沒在第二
: 輪和我們碰面的原因,他們即使要輸也要輸在東部決賽,不能在第二輪就倒下。他們清楚
: 奇才會給他們競爭的壓力和挑戰,我們每場比賽都會給他們施加這樣的壓力,努力爭取勝
: 利,我們不會被場上的任何一個人嚇到。
: 心得:火箭要不要也嘴一下勇士...
但看他的原話 比較像是在說 騎士不想倒在第二輪
(如果騎士是東區第一的話 二輪就會碰到巫師)
翻譯是沒什麼問題 但最後一句心得有點容易讓人誤會