※ 引述《Wojnarowski (@wojespn)》之銘言:
: 騎士又敗 韋德諷隊友無能
: 2017年11月06日 11:25 盧品青
: 上季東區霸主騎士隊開季重挫,6日再度敗給墊底的老鷹,連新加盟的「閃電俠」韋德(Dw
: yane Wade)都看不下去,罕見地砲轟隊友作戰不力。韋德賽後說:「希望有一天先發球員
: 會怪罪我們替補球員搞砸領先,希望真的有那麼一天。」
: 韋德先前為了團隊戰績自願把先發寶座讓給史密斯(J.R. Smith),然而先發球員時在打得
: 太差,騎士先發5人對老鷹之役只攻下51分(全隊115分),反不如替補韋德轟下25分、11籃
: 板、6助攻。
: 韋德說得比較含蓄,他的意思就是「什麼時候你們先發球員才能留下領先的比數給我們?
: 」每次韋德從板凳上場時,騎士隊總處於落後,讓他感覺很差。事實上,騎士輸掉的每一
: 場比賽,都是從第一節打完就開始落後,如果連脾氣比較好的韋德都看不下去,騎士是真
: 的問題很大了。
: (中時電子報)
: http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20171106002950-260403
Wade 在賽後訪問被問到騎士的問題
“It’s the focus and the effort from the get-go. You know, you got a team
that’s 1-8, you got to take their confidence away early,” Wade said, “Once
you give a team in this league confidence, your work can go out the window.
These NBA players that can play, then they get it going. It’s no secret, we’
re starting off games awful, terrible. They got it going early and the effort
and the focus just wasn’t there to start it off. You’re trying to battle
back, you waste a lot of energy trying to come back from 16, 18 back, it’s
tough, nightly to do that.
率會輸了。這些 NBA 等級的球員都是有能力的,只要讓他們狀況順了就難打了。
“We all know this, it’s no secret to the locker room, but our first unit, we
’ve got to start off better. I want one time for the first unit to get on
the second unit because we blew a lead. I’m waiting for that day to happen.
We’ve definitely got to start off better. I know it’s a long season and you
’ve got time to correct it, but you don’t want to be losing these games
right here. For a team to come here at 1-8. It’s like, as a team right now
they got go-to players, we can play and we know what we’re doing, but (now)
they ain’t got go-to players and are just playing freelance basketball and we
’re in trouble and they’re tearing us up. We definitely have to figure it
out, because that’s going to be a lot of teams we play.”