ymth (ymth)
2017-11-12 18:27:33UCLA的學長,名人堂球星Bill Walton代替球爸的老二李安吉羅鮑爾(LiAngelo Ball)
“I am sad, disappointed and embarrassed. This is a very big deal,”
“The noble purpose here has been stained. Our host, Alibaba China, the people,
they have been better than perfect in everything. They’ve done everything
right to make this all work. Now members of our family have displayed an
appalling lack of honor, a lack of respect, a lack of decency by doing
something in someone else’s home that they would never do in their own. And
I want to apologize right now on behalf of the human race for this travesty.”
https://goo.gl/TXy43K https://goo.gl/tnDJ1J