Jahlil Okafor 今天稍早也在個人社群網站上,向七六人隊告別,準備迎接新的篇章
PHILADELPHIA. What a ride it has been. Thank you to the entire organization,
fans and city; I appreciate you allowing me to fulfill my dream of becoming
an NBA player. The last two years I have learned more than I could have ever
imagined, and I would not change a single thing about the journey. Grateful for
the times I’ve done well, and the times I have not. Philly, the process y’all
trusted is in full affect and something to be proud of; as much as you guys
have been through you deserve it! Much love to the guys on the team and the
staff, I watched first hand the work that was put in to get to this point, and
I’m very happy for you all. HELLO BROOKLYN! I’m so grateful for this new
opportunity that was given to me and I am going to make the most of it.
Let’s get it BK. I’m ready. #WeGoHard