swdhu (ANT)
2017-12-13 00:55:32Embiid says he's reached out to Bryant on several occasions, drawn to Kobe's
supreme confidence. How do you shoot 30-plus times in a game and never feel
even the smallest twinge of guilt about it?
Embiid 說他因為 Kobe 爆棚的自信心而曾好幾次尋求過 Kobe Bryant 的協助。
"After 15 to 20 shots, I feel like my teammates might be looking at me," Embiid
says. "I don't want that to be on me. But I feel like sometimes I need to."
Bryant didn’t take all those shots because he had no conscience. He took them,
Embiid says, because he knew he could make them. “He was always working on his
shot, so that’s why he felt like he could. “When everyone else was partying,
he was working on his shot. I have to get a little of that.” – via ESPN
Embiid:「Kobe 不是因為無良所以就投給他爽。他投是因為他知道他可以投的進。他過去一