[外絮] The Trail Blazers are among the teams

作者: JHarden (火箭扛霸子)   2018-01-23 07:45:41
The Trail Blazers are among the teams that have tried to engage the Clippers
in trade talks for DeAndre Jordan, according to league sources
據聯盟消息源指出, 拓荒者介入DAJ交易談話中
Kevin Durant on Clint Capela saying Houston is a better team than the
Warriors: “You hear that from guys like Capela, who’s usually catching the
ball or laying it up from CP or Harden. His job is not as hard. I mean when
your job is that hard you don’t say shit like that.”
KD回應Capela火箭比勇士好的言論: 當你聽到這種言論從Capela口中說出, 一個只接
CP3或者Harden傳球上籃的傢伙. 他的工作並不困難. 我是說當你的工作沒那麼困難,

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