[外絮] James Harden in 4th quarter Monday nig

作者: JHarden (火箭扛霸子)   2018-01-24 08:41:26
James Harden in 4th quarter Monday night to CP3: "Give me the ball. Go to the
sweet spot (In the post). CP3: Huh? Harden: Give me the ball. CP3: Huh?
Harden: Give me the ball. CP3: Okay."
Harden昨天第四節關鍵回合與CP3對話: 把球給我, 你到你的甜蜜點去(低位)
CP3: 蛤?
Harden: 把球給我.
CP3: 蛤?
Harden: 把球給我.
CP3: 好.
CP3: "It shows how much time we spent together this summer and how much we
paid attention to one another."
CP3: 這充分顯示出夏天我們花多少時間聚在一起以及有多麼重視對方.
最後CP3還補充道: "James can't guard me down there!
Harden在那個位置根本防不住我! 記者大笑
作者: jlincredible (松山林書豪)   2018-01-24 08:51:00
我記得鬍子那回合就是給CP3投關鍵球 只不過他倆的互動看Live有差點笑出來XDDD

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