keanjaz (Sean)
2018-01-30 08:16:39現在回頭看當初快艇各種柔情說服BG留下來
才半年多一點 就直接被換掉了 在商言商到不行
再回頭看兩年多前DAJ被CP3, BG, JJ Reddick, Paul Pierce集體說服不要去小牛留快艇
只能說以後大家還是多尊重球星自由轉隊的權利 少點酸言酸語吧
約簽下去 又不願意吵鬧擺爛破壞休息室氣氛就只能任人宰割了
※ 引述《manuginobii (毒瓜)》之銘言:
: Blake Griffin met with Steve Ballmer, Doc Rivers, Jerry West today at Staples
: Center, "meeting went well. Expected to sign a deal."
: Looks like BG to remain a Clipper.
: Griffin and Clippers close to finalizing a five-year, max deal of $175 million
: for him to remain with team.
: Clippers put full court press on Griffin during meeting at Staples Center. Obv
: iously he was impressed.
: Clippers, led by Steve Ballmer, put on production of Blake Griffin's time here
: from the beginning.
: Clippers had a video with starting lineup introduction for BG to look at Stapl
: es Center.
: It was a museum of Blake where you walk through different parts of his life as
: he has grown up as a Clipper.
: "It was not cheap. It was a very expensive production," one person who was the
: re said.
: 大意是說,今天稍早快艇隊和BG有場面談,有球隊老闆Ballmer、老河、Logo man參與。
: 他們用非常熱情的態度希望BG留下來,讓BG非常印象深刻。甚至還做了一部感人的影片,
: 講述BG來到洛城,作為一個快艇人的開始和各種點點滴滴。
: 消息人士指出,影片內容並不廉價,甚至可說看起來相當昂貴精緻。
: 來源:快艇記者Brad Turner推特