Resilient Isaiah Thomas on Lakers role: 'I'm not no sixth man'
“I'm not no sixth man,” he declared in an interview with USA TODAY Sports th
is week. “And I won't be a sixth man (in the future). I just want everybody t
o know that, like clear as can be. I'm a two-time All-Star and a starter who h
as done things that a lot of people in this league haven't done (when) given t
hat opportunity.
“I got traded into a situation I can’t control. There’s nothing bad against
(Lakers coach) Luke Walton. There’s nothing bad against the Los Angeles Lake
rs. I’m taking advantage of the opportunity they’ve given me, and then (we’
ll) end the season off strong.”
“我被交易到一個我沒辦法控制自身狀況的地方。這並沒有冒犯Luke Walton以及湖人隊
“I'm here to help,” Thomas said. “I'm here to continue to get better, and I
'm still – (expletive), I can reach levels that I know I haven't reached yet,
and I'm here to help along the way in whatever they need me to do, and I'm go
ing to be a professional."
“Could he start?” Walton said of Thomas. “One hundred percent. Does he dese
rve to start? Yeah, with what he's done in his career. Absolutely. (But) we're
in a unique situation here. We have a young team. ... I kind of just challeng
ed (Thomas), that even though he fully wants to start, I said, 'Look, you've b
een out a long time, (and) to me there's only, however much, two months left i
n the season at the time - find the joy. Go find the (joy).
“What you love doing is playing basketball, and whether or not I'm starting y
ou or not, that decision (is) out of your hands."