Raptors’ President Masai Ujiri berated Dwane Casey after Game 3
by Shane Mickle (May 11, 2018)
According to multiple sources the confusion and subsequent lack of execution
on the final play was another log on the fire. After the game, Ujiri stormed
into the Raptors dressing room at Quicken Loans — just out of sight of most
of the players but not out of earshot — and rebuked Casey in the coach’s
office for failing to double-team James.
Ujiri didn’t reserve his frustration for just Casey – he also tore into the
officials in the hallway as well. But observers noted that the intensity was
more than typical for Ujiri, who can run hot at the best of times.
Game 3 追平後被 LBJ 投進拋投絕殺是暴龍總裁火掉總教練的導火線
該場賽後,Ujiri 衝進暴龍更衣室
Ujiri 對於沒有包夾 LBJ 感到非常不爽
並且除了飆罵教頭,Ujiri 也飆了其他走道上的人
(被 LBJ 打掛人生的受害者 +1)
作者: aa01081008tw 2018-05-13 00:20:00
作者: JuliusErving (搖籃灌籃) 2018-05-13 00:29:00
主要還是整個系列賽打的完全沒對抗性可言 太難看
作者: Predrag26671 (這個人非常懶) 2018-05-13 00:31:00
先嘴先贏吧 暴龍這幾年操盤也沒多好 先甩鍋給教練
包個屁 是不知道LBJ的傳球功力喔全場防守範圍太大了啦 包了找個中繼點傳出去很容易就拿回來 全場還要包 真當騎士場上其他人都憨包喔包了傳出去前場馬上就是多打少 平手局還在賭博防守?大概是想讓LBJ從後場就開始加速啟動三分線內包還算合理 上面那影片全場要包? 想太多
最後一球防守者沒站在LBJ正面 讓他走底角 可以擋拆或投籃走側面突破就麻煩了
老闆任性心態 無解他只是不希望是這種死法 換作包夾傳出去死亡率更高但是就偏偏合理的被這種低機率高難度的投法打死
作者: dylancdylanc (davidq) 2018-05-13 09:29:00
最後一擊都上ESPN 10大...都然腦羞啊