[外絮] Stevens:目標是消耗LBJ體力,但就像個笑話

作者: MayBeSoft (小小瑜兒)   2018-05-28 15:36:25
這篇有訪問了Stevens一些內容 稍微翻一下
Celtics coach Brad Stevens said the plan was to wear James out.
“Our goal going into the series was to make him exert as much energy as
humanly possible and try to be as good as we can on everybody else,” Stevens
said. “For the most part, I thought we were pretty good at that ... but he
still scored 35. It’s a joke.”
感覺帥哥教練也很無奈 遇到這種開底力L9的
作者: dylancdylanc (davidq)   2018-05-28 15:48:00
BS: 青賽還缺一個全能小前鋒
作者: pchome135790 (flash)   2018-05-28 16:01:00
作者: dylancdylanc (davidq)   2018-05-28 22:47:00
BS戰略沒錯 溜馬就是這樣耗的 只是沒想到LBJ可以上48min 再加上自己球員進攻沒把握住

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