haryr (age)
2018-06-13 11:45:49節錄至
Nazr Mohammed
The 6 Toughest Players I've Ever Guarded
第一名就是Shaquille O'neal
1. Shaquille O’Neal
The morning after you played Shaq, it always felt like you were in a fight.
You were sore from head to toe.
This probably won’t shock people, but Shaq was the most dominant big man I’
ve ever faced. He’s in a class of his own. Shaq’s the player who kept me up
at night wondering, “How the hell am I going to stop him?” Or, more
realistically, slow him down, because nobody could stop him.
在與SHAQ比賽後的隔天早上, 就像是你打完架, 從下到上腳趾到頭都酸痛
這大概不會令人驚訝, 但SHAQ是我遇過最強的BIG MAN. 他自己才是一個量級
SHAQ這種球員讓我晚上反覆思考: "我到底要怎樣阻止他?" 或者更實際一點,
怎樣拖慢他一點? 因為沒有任何人可以阻擋他?
Taking away his move meant not giving him a dunk, which of course is setting
your defensive bar pretty low. It also meant sacrificing your body by trying
to stop a 320+ pound man from getting to his sweet spot on the court.
In order to guard him, or at least attempt to guard him, you had to do your
work early. That meant getting back on defense quickly and trying to meet him
at the free throw line. From there, you’d basically brace yourself for
impact in a collision that you were physically incapable of winning.
阻擋他的行動不讓他灌籃, 不僅是你要努力防守, 也代表你要犧牲你的身體去阻擋320
為了防守SHAQ, 或至少"試圖"去防守他 , 你必需要提早回防, 在自己的罰球線堵他
When he was younger, you were able to double team him on the catch. Problem
is, he got used to that over the years and eventually became a good passer.
Then it came down to just hoping he missed the shot or using one of your
fouls to make him earn points at the line.
SHAQ年輕時, 你可能可以包夾他, 問題是, 經過這些年, 他變成一個好的傳球手
你就只能期待他失誤, 或是用你的一個犯規讓他上罰球線得分.
Honestly, Shaq could have earned a foul call on pretty much every play of his
career. I mean, the only way to guard the guy was to either push or hold him,
which was usually considered a foul. It’s almost like he was being punished
for being stronger than his opponents. If a defender stood in there and took
the hit, he could draw the foul on Shaq. Sometimes being the loser in a
battle for position was rewarded.
But refs couldn’t call games with Shaq the same way they called other games.
They just couldn’t. Opposing teams would have fouled out all of their big
men by the middle of the second quarter.
When I saw him on the schedule, my main goal was to just not let him dunk the
That was it.
老實說, 基本上SHAQ生涯的每一個PLAY,幾乎都可以吹對手犯規.
我指的是, 為了防守SHAQ你只能拉他或抱她.而基本上這通常叫做犯規
如果一個防守者站在那裡承受SHAQ的衝擊, 他還可能得到SHAQ的犯規,
但是裁判不能在有SHAQ的比賽都吹的像其他比賽. 因為敵對大個子可能在第二節中段
當我還在球員生涯時, 要對上SHAQ, 我的主要目標就只是不要讓SHAQ在我頭上灌籃.
You knew he was going to get good shots, but trying to keep him from dunking
ensured that I stayed aggressive. In his prime, it was a good night for you
defensively if you held Shaq to 20 points and 10 rebounds with no dunks.
Hell, that was a great night defensively!
你知道他可以得分很容易, 但是讓他不要灌籃, 可以讓確保我在場上還有一點積極心態
在SHAQ的主要生涯中, 如果你讓他拿20分 10籃板 沒有灌籃的話...
哇靠! 你今天防守很好 !!