joulin (joulin)
2018-07-18 08:29:45又是一個前鋒人生 又一個可能明年不會續留 所以球團考慮要交易的
不過換到了可愛 公鹿應該也不可能留得住可愛吧?
但說真的 字母哥+可愛 的鋒線組合 讓人好期待~~~
兩個球隊都覺得自己的主將不一定願意留 所以考慮交易
互相換 就變成是一種互換手氣的概念?XD
而且蜜豆湯這樣的球員 在POPO下打球 感覺就是會很適合!!
不過公鹿卻很難留住可愛 因此公鹿可能換了一個打一年的傭兵回來
到時候依舊變一場空 所以公鹿應該不會優先考慮可愛
除非公鹿是打算明年就拼冠軍 但公鹿目前看來就算組成字母哥+可愛 也沒那麼接近冠軍
而且 互換要怎麼換 誰要貼籤 另外還要涉及其他球員
話又說回來 蜜豆湯感覺很值得開大約留他阿 看看他季後賽的表現
除非他堅持去其他城市 不然如果他的考量只有錢
那公鹿應該要用錢滿足他吧 不要傻了放他走阿
要再從選秀選一個同樣等級還要能養得出來 也不是那麼容易...
可是說實在的 密爾瓦基吸引A咖球星去的機會不大阿
※ 引述《ichiroyap (イチロヤプ)》之銘言:
: 消息來源:https://goo.gl/U2igbX
: 內容:
: RUMOR: Khris Middleton has been available, but not shopped in trade talks for
: the past year
: During a recent episode of The Lowe Post, Zach Lowe and Brian Windhorst
: bounced interesting takes off of each other, including one about Milwaukee
: Bucks forward Khris Middleton. According to the duo, the Bucks will not shy
: away from a opportunity to trade Middleton if the price other teams are
: leaving on the table feels right (h/t Eric Nehm of ESPN).
: 對於交易米豆頓的報價,如果公鹿覺得滿意,是不會錯過這個機會的。
: Windhorst also made it clear that the Bucks are not actively shopping
: Middleton, but are merely not labelling Middleton as an untouchable asset.
: 公鹿並不會主動去兜售,但米豆頓也不會是非賣品。
: Assuming Middleton won’t sign an extension deal with the Bucks this summer
: (which is reportedly what’s going to happen), the 26-year-old swingman can
: hit the free agent market next year. Middleton owns a player-option worth $13
: million for the 2019-20 season, but it’s expected that he will draw more
: money than that in the summer of 2019 when teams have a bigger financial
: breathing room than they do have right now.
: 米豆頓極有可能不會在今夏與公鹿續約,在明年尋求更大張的合約,屆時球隊也會有
: 更大的薪資空間。
: Middleton is coming off the best year of his career so far in the NBA. In the
: 2017-18 campaign, he manufactured averages of 20.1 points, 5.2 rebounds, and
: 4.0 assists while starting in all 82 games in the regular season.
: 米豆頓今年打出了生涯年,在季賽交出了20.1分,5.2籃板及4助攻。
: A couple of days ago, 2014 second overall pick Jabari Parker officially left
: the Milwaukee Bucks when his qualifying offer was rescinded and he agreed to
: a deal with the Chicago Bulls. With Parker now out of the picture in
: Milwaukee, the Bucks could find a way to keep Middleton for the long haul.
: 公鹿在幾天前才剛放棄了+%Z%的QO,讓他與公牛簽約,公鹿應該會有辦法長期留下米豆頓
: 短評或心得:簡單亂翻譯了一下,請各位看倌多多見諒^^
: 話說今年打出明星身價的米豆頓,在公鹿的位置應該很難被取代吧..
: 公鹿戰績打起來,問題也開始多了