※ 引述《thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)》之銘言:
: 消息來源:
: 一位叫做Harden MVP SZN的網友
: 留言說休賽季期間都沒有看到Lillard在練球
: https://twitter.com/oShowtimeEOE/status/1039959913097822208
: Well 4.6M people should be upset they favorite PG been everywhere but the gym
: this summer.We seen him in the studio, on 2K and now boxing Lmaoo. Not 1 open
: run or workout. Even CJ went to the open runs.
: 小李後來也出面回應了,表示訓練的時候不需要特別找人來拍
: https://twitter.com/Dame_Lillard/status/1039970826257354753
: My workouts don’t require a camera crew
When you don’t post your workouts that means they never happened ???♂?
... so here’s what y’all love to see
https://twitter.com/Dame_Lillard/status/1041068734561968128 必看XD