mrkey (è·é›¢å¤ªé æ€å¿µå¤ªè¿‘)
2018-11-14 06:20:18per Chris Haynes:
Golden State is expected to sit Draymond Green for tonight’s game against
Atlanta, league sources tell Yahoo Sports.
球隊不讓 Draymond Green 在今晚的比賽上場
per Shams Charania:
Sources: In midst of verbal exchange on court late in Monday's game, Draymond
Green challenged Kevin Durant about Durant's impending free agency. As
teammates came at Green about his turnover, he responded. This has been a
simmering issue for the Warriors today.
per Woj:
Story with @MarcJSpearsESPN and me: Late game exchange between Kevin
Durant/Draymond Green carried into locker room Monday night, w/ teammates
loudly confronting Green for decision-making on final play of regulation.
Scene described as one of most intense of this G-State era.
KD 在場上先質問 Green 最後幹嘛不傳球
這件事情延燒到賽後 locker room, 換成隊友質問 Green,
Green 就開砲攻擊 KD 接下來的 free agency
這個看來又會鬧一陣子了... Dubs 這週加昨天總共五場比賽
※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)》之銘言:
: 來源: The USA Today
: 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybt5wqc8
: Kevin Durant, Draymond Green have heated exchange during Warriors' loss to
: Clippers
: KD跟嘴綠在今日輸給快艇一戰中有過火爆的交換意見
: Golden State Warriors stars Kevin Durant and Draymond Green had a heated
: exchange on the bench Monday night, with Durant appearing frustrated that
: Green did not pass him the ball at the end of regulation.
: 勇士明星球員KD跟嘴綠在星期一面對快艇一戰時,在板凳上有過一段火爆的意見交換,看
: 起來KD對於嘴綠在正規賽時間快結束前沒把球傳給他似乎很沮喪。
: The exchange occurred after a frenetic sequence late in the Warriors' 121-116
: overtime loss to the Los Angeles Clippers. With the game tied at 106 in the
: final seconds of regulation, Lou Williams missed a jump shot and Green
: snatched the rebound before dribbling up the court. Durant emphatically
: clapped his hands in an apparent call for the ball, but Green carried it up
: the court and eventually lost control of the ball without attempting a shot.
: 這火爆的意見交換出現在這場歷經延長加賽,勇士121-116輸給快艇的後段。當正規賽最後
: 幾秒,雙方分數僵持在106:106,Lou Williams跳投沒進,嘴綠搶到了籃板後運球到前場,
: KD拍著手很明顯的在要球,但是嘴綠一路把球運到前場,但是後來喪失球權,連嘗試出手
: 的機會都沒有。
: Television cameras later captured Durant and Green having an animated
: conversation on the bench, with Klay Thompson sitting between them. Neither
: Durant nor Green discussed the nature of their conversation after the game.
: 攝影機之後拍到KD跟嘴綠在板凳上有激烈的對談,KT坐在他們中間。在賽後,KD跟嘴綠都
: 沒有談到那段對話的細節。
: "It don’t matter," Green told The Mercury News. "You all are going to report
: what you want to report."
: 「那沒差,」嘴綠跟舊金山當地報紙水星報講到。「反正你們會報你們想要報的。」
: 影片支援:https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1062320495364759552
: Warriors coach Steve Kerr told reporters that, in retrospect, he wished he
: would have called a timeout at the end of regulation. Veteran Shaun
: Livingston, meanwhile, dismissed the exchange between Durant and Green as
: "just team spirit."
: 勇士教練Kerr告訴記者,若是可以重來,他希望那時候可以叫暫停。老將Livingston則是
: 把KD跟嘴綠的交換意見認為只是"團隊精神"的表現。
: "Guys wanted a different outcome than what happened," Livingston told
: reporters. "Obviously, Dray had the turnover. Guys might have thought they
: were open or wanted the basketball, didn't get it. Things happen like that in
: sports. But it was good to see some fire, some emotion."
: 「這些球員希望事情發生會有不一樣的結果,」Livingston告訴記者。「很顯然的,嘴綠
: 發生失誤。一些球員認為他有空檔或是想要拿球,但是沒拿到。那種事情在比賽會發生,
: 但是看到比賽時大家有些激情,有些情緒是好事。」