pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2018-12-01 15:56:14來源: The USA Today
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yb3m8oov
Hawks' Vince Carter gets technical foul for jawing with Thunder's Russell
Westbrook from bench
老鷹的Vince Carter因為與雷霆Westbrook爭執 在板凳席被判了技術犯規
Oklahoma City Thunder All-Star Russell Westbrook has never been afraid to mix
it up on the court. Atlanta Hawks veteran Vince Carter, the oldest player in
the NBA at 41, will always have his teammates' backs.
雷霆全明星Russel Westbrook在場上從來不怕打混仗,而老鷹隊目前全聯盟最老,41歲老
將Vince Carter則是永遠會照看著他的隊友們。
A spat between the two Friday night resulted in technical fouls for both
players — and Carter wasn't even on the floor.