Re: [討論] 生涯都待同一隊的加分效果?

作者: jackie0414 (哇哈哈)   2019-01-29 22:47:15
※ 引述《nocturne ( )》之銘言:
: 這兩天看到AD上演吹密風波,不禁想到,
: 生涯都能待在同一隊,又有強力建樹的球員,
: 是不是對當地人的意義非凡,而加分很大呢?
: 舉例來說老大雖也喊過吹密,但是球隊也幫他盤來補強陣容,
: 最後終其一生湖人魂,
: 現役大概就Dirk,Curry.
: DDR跟Wade就比較可惜,
: 而雷帝姆斯也是不得不底西訊轉隊組隊,
: 現在來看,德老終身小牛應該是沒問題,咖哩這約走完大概也進入生涯後期,
: 沒意外應該也是勇士終老,
: 事實上球員本來就很難要求一隊打到老,畢竟有運氣成分在,
: 這樣是不是顯得一隊到底很珍貴? 這樣的資歷對未來生涯成就來說加分大嗎?
TD 老大 老史 還有R.Miller 這些球員
為球迷 為球隊 為他們的城市付出了所有的青春年華
因此儘管退休已13年了 印城人去年依然為Reggie Miller立雕像
有畫家願意在市中心畫60呎的巨型壁畫 溜馬隊並為這個巨型壁畫揭幕
前總裁Donnie Walsh也來致詞
還有球迷在他的壁畫下訂婚 覺得備受祝福與開心
另外有關Miller在印城的影響力 有一段敘述:
For an entire generation of Pacers fans, Reggie Miller didn’t just transform
the team, but the city of Indianapolis as well.
對於溜馬球迷而言 Miller不僅改變了溜馬隊 也改變了印城
Few players, if any, are more identified with both a franchise and a city.
Prior to Reggie’s arrival to in Indianapolis, the team was in such a financial
downhill that team president Donnie Walsh questioned if the franchise was even
worth keeping. Miller’s instant impact to the Pacers gave fans something to
get excited about and turned Indianapolis into what people called an
“Indiana Pacers town.”
在Miller未到之前 這支球隊的財務狀況不佳 連總裁Walsh都無法肯定是否能繼續撐下去
他對溜馬的立即影響力給了球迷燃起熱情的動力 也讓印城被人們稱為溜馬之城
Walsh, who drafted Miller, praised him by stating, “Everything I wanted the
franchise to stand for, he represents” (Ballard). Most kids growing up in
Indiana during the mid-90s referred to Indianapolis as Reggie's town. Every
kid wanted to be Reggie. Every kid wanted to play basketball. Indy Star senior
writer, Collin McCollough, shared his opinionin a 2012 article,
"But he (Miller) sold the Pacers to the people of Indianapolis. Made them
believe. Made this more than a city that housed the Pacers, that constructed
Market Square Arena. Miller made this city believe in something.
He strengthened community bonds one clutch shot, one game-winning basket at
a time. He made Indianapolis a Pacerstown. Not just a town that hosted the
每個孩子都想成為他 都想打籃球
一位Indy Star的資深專欄作家說 Miller讓這座城市有了信念
他讓印城成了溜馬之城 而不僅只是一個溜馬隊的主場城市
Reggie left fans with memories that need no introduction. Throughout his career with
the Pacers, home game tickets became impossible to find and attendance stayed
steady at above 17,000 fans until 2004.
Miller給球迷的回憶無須再多介紹 在他整個生涯中直到2004年
在溜馬主場始終能穩定的維持17000名的平均觀眾人數 讓主場變得一票難求
能成為一座城市的象徵與驕傲 我想正是給這些球員最大的肯定
隨著時間流逝 這樣的榮譽想必也將不復存在
但他在印城的影響力 以及他為球迷所做的一切 應該會繼續在此流傳下去
作者: MartinGarrix (TOP4)   2019-01-30 03:58:00
作者: jimmylin0709 (jimmy)   2019-01-30 08:05:00
姆斯一定被立銅像的 開啟大時代!

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