somebb (s-b)
2019-03-07 15:02:28ESPN's Greenberg:LBJ是可怕的隊友 根本是更衣室殺手
Seth Greenberg says Lakers' LeBron James is 『horrendous as a teammate』
ESPN's Seth Greenberg dropped a hot take on the set of 「Get Up!」 after the
Los Angeles Lakers dropped yet another pivotal game against the LA Clippers,
calling LeBron James a 『horrendous』 teammate and a locker room killer after
recent events have likely put the Lakers out of playoff contention:
ESPN專家Seth Greenberg認為LeBron James是個『極為可怕的』隊友,根本是個更衣室殺
「I think he kills the locker room,」 said Greenberg. 「He has nothing in
common with any of those millennials. In fact, he's separated himself. Think
about two weeks ago, about 10 days ago. They're losing, they're not playing
well, he's not playing well, he's not guarding anyone, he's not competing. He
gets taken out of the game, they're down 20. Where is he sitting? He's
sitting at the end of the bench with two chairs between him and the next
player. That right there is a microcosm of who they are and where their
locker room is.
「Look, LeBron has done incredible things... he is horrendous as a teammate
and especially as a teammate now when he doesn't have his guys. It's easy
with Chris Bosh, it's easy with Dwyane Wade, it's easy with (J.R.)Smith. You
know what? He doesn't have his guys.」
友陣中沒有任何自己兄弟的時候。LBJ視為自己兄弟的Chris Bosh、Dwyane Wade、甚至
J.R. Smith同隊打球都很輕鬆寫意,但你知道嗎?現在的湖人隊內可沒任何人是LBJ自己
作者: ggsumida0402 2019-03-07 15:44:00
說實話 詹從騎士末期季賽的表現就有些讓人失望明明有能力贏10分 他就要省力只贏1-2分甚至翻船身為球迷看到支持球星不願盡力支持起來是真的滿無力的