[外絮] Kobe擔任FIBA全球大使的訪談內容

作者: XperiaZ6C (真●安卓輕旗艦)   2019-03-18 09:23:45
原文連結: https://www.slamonline.com/international/kobe-bryant-qa/
媒體來源: SLAM
Q: How happy are you to have the role of global ambassador for the 2019 World
KB: I’m very happy. Being around the game at this level is always very
exciting and very energizing. I owe so much to the game of basketball, FIBA
in particular, so it feels good to come back and be a part of it.
Q: When you think back on your career with Team USA, is there a specific
memory that stands out?
KB: For us, it was always the interaction with other athletes. That’s always
the most enjoyable thing. Spending time with your competitors. Seeing Tony
[Parker] not in a Spurs uniform [smiles]. Once you get past how different we
all look without having our Laker colors or him having a black and white on,
it gets down to competing. And competing against those guys and seeing the
same moves that they do every time you play them in the regular season, just
under a different circumstance. That’s the most fun.
競爭對手碰面,看到Tony Parker並沒有穿著馬刺隊球衣,當我不是紫金球衣,他也不是黑
Q: How does the mindset and approach change when you move from the NBA to the
World Cup?
KB: It’s preparation. It takes time to prepare. You can’t just jump in and
play. I won’t say the rules are different, but the style of play is very,
very different. So you have to, at least for myself, watch a lot of film and
try to read up on a lot of the guys that I’m playing against because some of
the players—we made the assumption in ’06 [when USA won the bronze at the
FIBA championship] and prior to that that some of these players aren’t in
the NBA, so they must not be very good. When I came in ’08, it was like,
Listen, that’s not it. There are plenty of players that are insanely good
that choose not to come play in the NBA, so let’s understand that. So that
means that when we’re playing against Greece, Spain, France, Lithuania,
Serbia and so forth—We have to research these players and watch them and
study them. Because if we do not, we will be in trouble.
Q: Can you understand a player rejecting an opportunity to play in the
Olympics or the World Cup?
KB: No [laughs]. No—if you can play, you play. It’s kind of a no-brainer to
Q: Even the NBA guys?
KB: Yeah. I’ll play anywhere. It’s a big difference playing for the Lakers
or playing for the Dallas Mavericks or the Portland Trail Blazers or whatever
It is, and then playing for the United States of America. That’s a big deal.
It should be interpreted as such, and we certainly felt that way. Coach K did
a great job making sure our young players understood the historical context
and the contributions that we are making to our country in our small way.
Q: Do you think the US is a lock to win the World Cup?
KB: No. It goes back to the answer I gave earlier. If they have the maturity
and understanding that there are plenty of players who just choose not to
come play in the NBA because they are comfortable—families, school, etc.—
and decide to just stay where they are; if we understand that there are
players out there, plenty of them, that can show up any given night and wear
you out, then we will be OK. But if we go in there thinking we’re just going
to slap a team together and play and win, we’re going to be in trouble.
Q: What do you think about the choice to have Gregg Popovich replace Mike
Krzyzewski as coach of Team USA?
KB: I think it’s pretty interesting because coach Pop wins all his NBA
championships with European players anyway [laughs]. There all international
players. I mean, pretty much all of them. So it’s pretty funny that he’s
coaching Team USA and going up against the international players when that’s
all he drafts and that’s all he trades for. I think that’s good for us
because he understands how good these players are. It won’t be something
that he’ll take lightly in the least bit. So from that standpoint, it’s
Q: Do you have bad memories of the referees from your games in Olympic and
World Cup competitions?
KB: Nah. Obviously I had a great time. Played in Beijing in ’08. London in ’
12. They were all great experiences. What I enjoyed about the game was—the
first couple plays I realized, the FIBA game is more physical than the NBA.
You can put hands on guys, there’s more checking, there’s more physicality.
And we were a team in the past, with ’06, that kind of fell backwards to
that. In ’08 we did not, and I was pretty vocal about the fact that, Hey
listen, last I checked, we’re bigger, we’re stronger and we’re faster. The
fact that the game can be more physical should be really exciting for us
[laughs]. That means we get to hand check, we get to hold, we get to bump you
off of cuts and screen and rolls. Let’s go. From that standpoint, I started
hand checking guards. It was fantastic. So nah, I had a great time. Wish we
could do that in the NBA.
快,有更多肢體碰撞應該是讓我們更興奮的」。我的意思是我們可以hand check,我們可
本問題,我可以對對方後衛hand check,那棒極了,所以我對裁判沒什麼不好的回憶,我
註1: 關於hand check請參考https://tinyurl.com/yyay48cd
註2: 不知道是否翻對,我對這邊的理解是,意指NBA禁止hand check的事情
註3: 求教,這邊不知道是指什麼...
Q: The 2008 gold medal game in Beijing—where does that rank among the most
memorable games of your basketball career? [Kobe scored 13 points in the
fourth quarter to help Team USA defeat Spain.]
08北京的金牌戰是你生涯中最難忘的比賽之一嗎? (Kobe第四節獨得13分,幫助美國擊敗
KB: It’s right up there at the top because what was at stake. I still tease
Pau [Gasol] about it to this day, like I don’t understand why they did not
double me in the last two minutes. I hadn’t shot the ball all game long and
so the last two minutes, I’m in single coverage. It’s still up there as one
of my favorite games to play in.
當然是,因為那場比賽很驚險。我到現在仍然會跟Pau Gasol開玩笑,像是,我不知道他
Q: How do you envision the game of basketball continuing to grow in places
outside the US? What are the next steps of that process?
KB: Things like this help. Being able to expand the game, communicate the
game and also countries coming together and figuring out systematically, How
are we going to teach the game to the next generation? It’s about growth.
You always want to grow the next generation and the next generation and the
next generation, and teach the values of the game, teach the things that you’
re learning from the game of basketball that won’t just help you be a better
basketball player, but also a better person. Getting families involved in it.
Having get-togethers like this is a great example of that because you can
have the different heads from different countries kind of powwow about how we
can grow the game. But it’s grown tremendously since I was a kid.
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