Re: [情報] GOAT最新民調, MJ依然大幅壓制其他人

作者: jackie0414 (哇哈哈)   2019-03-26 22:21:20
※ 引述《huntai (婚帶)》之銘言:
: 消息來源:(網址或出處)
: 財經網站 Business Insider 最近做了一個GOAT的投票,
: 結果顯示MJ依然是大多數人心目中的GOAT , 並且第二名根本連他車尾燈都看不到.......
: 以下為投票細節.
: 參與人數 : 1082 位美國成年人
: MJ得票率 : 66%
: LBJ得票率 : 10.4%
: Bird得票率 : 4%
: Wilt Chamberlain : 3.5%
: 一般上的認為, 姆斯在青少年(千禧年出生)的得票率方面會有優勢,
: 因為這群人都是在姆斯的身影下長大的.
: 但是這個調查結果完全顛覆了這個觀念.
: 在 18 - 29 歲的投票者中, 60.3% 投給MJ, 只有 20.1% 投給姆斯
: 老年人是最不認同姆斯的, >60歲的投票者只有 5.8% 投給他
: MJ在30 - 44 歲這個年齡層得票率最高, 為 74.1%
: 補一下從Business Insider原文抓到的資料 :
: 原文 :
: 各球員得票率
: MJ : 66%
: LBJ : 10.4%
: Bird : 4%
: Wilt Chamb. : 3.5%
: Shaq : 2.7%
: Kobe : 2.3%
: Jabbar : 2.1%
: Curry : 2%
: Bill Russell : 0.9%
: Magic : 0.9%
: 其他 : 5.1%
: 各年齡層投票分佈 :
推文有人說 MJ時代非網路時代 沒有太多人會酸他
根據老魯的回憶 其實報章言論中當時酸他的人可多了
98年東冠對溜馬第七戰 MJ霸氣喊出 我們一定會贏第七戰 這大家應該都知道
以結果來說 公牛當然贏了 但第七戰前的輿論和分析可不是這樣
Jordan's brave talk masks Bulls' plight Even if it ousts Pacers, Chicago
seems ill-equipped to maintain grip on title
即使淘汰溜馬 公牛衛冕之路依舊艱辛
CHICAGO – It was a guarantee – “We’re going to win Game 7” – that,
coming from Michael Jordan, rang surprisingly shallow. Maybe it was because
Jordan has rarely faced an elimination game. So Jordan was questioned even
further, asked to explain whether his words were an actual prediction or an
inconsequential utterance.
我們會贏第七戰-這個出自MJ之口的保證 聽起來卻非那麼的認真
因此媒體追問MJ 這句話是真實的預測 抑或僅只是隨口說說
Mike, was that a promise?
Mike 這是個承諾嗎?
“I never make promises,” Jordan said. “I don’t make promises, even to my
MJ說:我從不承諾任何事 即使對我太太我也不做承諾
Maybe Jordan knows. Knows that, despite what happens tonight at the United
Center in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals, the dynasty – and his
career – is over. Knows that, even if the Chicago Bulls should get by the
Indiana Pacers and advance to the NBA Finals, the Utah Jazz await to claim
the title. Knows that the Bulls, in losing three of the series’ past four
games, have looked vulnerable – on the court as well as off – with their
postgame complaints.
也許MJ知道 無論今晚的東冠第七戰發生什麼事 公牛王朝和他的職業生涯都會結束
也許他知道 即使公牛能過溜馬這關晉級總冠軍戰 猶他爵士隊將等著擊敗他們奪冠
也許他也知道 在過去四戰中輸了三場的公牛 看起來是如此的脆弱
無論在場上的表現 還是場下的賽後怨言
After practice Saturday, Jordan, who scored 35 points in the 92-89 loss to
the Pacers, seemed more assured of himself. Again he expressed confidence –
without making a promise – that Chicago would win and advance. The home
team has won every game in this series.
在前晚(周六)的訓練後 第六戰拿下35分的喬丹 似乎對自己更有自信了
在東冠中 他們在主場贏下每一場比賽
“I’m very confident,” Jordan said. “When we’ve needed a win, we’ve come
out and showed we can conquer the situation, and I don’t have any doubt
about this one. It’s a belief in my ability and a belief in my team’s
MJ說:我非常有信心 當我們需要勝利時 我們會挺身而出 克服難關 我對此沒有任何懷疑
Despite the last-second stumble and two missed fourth-quarter jumpers Friday,
Jordan’s ability can’t be questioned. During the series, he has averaged
32.2 points and shot 48.5 percent.
即使在周五的比賽最後一刻跌倒 以及在第四節的兩次跳投打鐵
MJ自身的能力不容被質疑 在東冠系列賽中他有著場均32.2分及48.5的投籃命中率
It’s the belief in the team’s ability that has many doubting whether the
Bulls, should they get past Indiana, can win another title. Scottie Pippen
missed two free-throw attempts in the final seconds of the Game4 loss and is
shooting 40.4 percent for the series.
但眾人對於這隻球隊的能力就有許多質疑 認為公牛即使過了溜馬這關
The frontline of Luc Longley, Dennis Rodman and Toni Kukoc is getting
dominated by the likes of Rik Smits, Dale Davis and Antonio Davis. On Friday,
Smits and Dale Davis combined to hit 18-of-21 shots. Smits made 11 of 12 on
the way to scoring 25 points, and Davis hit 7-of-9, scoring a
career-playoff-high 19 points.
公牛的內線包括Luc Longley, Dennis Rodman 和Toni Kukoc
被溜馬的內線Rik Smits, Dale Davis 和Antonio Davis打爆了
週五的比賽 Rik Smits, Dale Davis合計21投18中 Smits12投11中拿下25分
Davis 9投7中拿下季後賽新高19分
“Dale Davis played off the charts,” said Reggie Miller, who had only eight
points, missing 11-of-13 shots. “He was really a thorn in the Bulls’ side.”
這場比賽只拿下8分的Miller說:Davis打出超高水準的比賽 他讓公牛芒刺在背
Many of Davis’ high-percentage shots came while going right at Kukoc or
Rodman who, despite averaging 10.5 rebounds in the series, has been a
“Dale Davis really hurt us,” Jordan said. “You have to give him his credit.

當Davis直接對上Kukoc或Rodman時 他的命中率極高
儘管Rodman在本系列賽有著場均10.5籃板的成績 但他的影響力已衰微
What has been amazing for the Pacers is, they have evened this series at
three despite not getting a complete game from Miller, who is shooting 39.4
percent. His Game 4 heroics aside, Indiana’s shooting guard was awful
Friday, at times forcing shots.
讓溜馬隊更驚喜的是 他們在Miller並沒有正常發揮的情況下將比賽扳為3-3平手
Miller只有39.4%的命中率 儘管他在第四戰最後有著英雄般的表現
For several days, Miller complained about a right ankle that was sprained in
Game 3, saying he shouldn’t even be playing. Indiana coach Larry Bird tired
of such talk, finally telling Miller that if he’s hurting that much, then he
wouldn’t play him. Miller’s complaints were nipped in the bud.
在過去幾天Miller不斷抱怨著在第三戰扭傷的腳踝 認為他甚至不該出賽
大鳥對他的言論十分厭煩 對Miller下了最後通牒:你如果真的這麼痛 我就不讓你上場了
With Friday’s win, the Pacers improved to 8-0 in the playoffs, the only team
to go unbeaten at home this postseason. Yet for that impressive feat, the
Pacers need to win one more game to get to the NBA Finals for the first time,
and they need to win that game at the United Center, where Chicago has lost
one postseason game this season. The Pacers have lost twice in the past in
Game7s of the Eastern Conference Finals, but they appear confident this time.
週五的勝利後 溜馬隊在季後賽主場戰績8-0 是目前唯一一隻主場維持不敗紀錄的球隊
但溜馬需要再贏一場球 而且要在公牛主場 讓球隊得以首次挺進總冠軍戰
"This is fantastic," Miller said. "We've got one game against the best team
to see who goes to the Finals."
Miller說:我們將跟最棒的球隊進行殊死戰 看看誰能晉級 真是太棒了
Added Dale Davis: "We've been go the [Eastern Conference] finals two or three
times. This time, it should be ours."
Davis說:我們已經打過兩三次東冠了 這次該換我們晉級了
It used to be that teams wouldn't dare utter such words, for fear Jordan
would come out the next day and go on a scoring binge.
But this year is different. Miller dares to tell the Bulls to stop whining.
Dale Davis confidently says tonight's Game 7 "should be ours." Bird, a
nemesis of Jordan's as a player and trying to continue that as a coach, tells
everyone that his team is good enough to win a championship now
作者: joseph103331 (小黃加大黃)   2019-03-27 02:00:00
LBJ跟KD都頂得住壓力, MJ頂不住? 當年嘴砲王之一怕酸民喔?
作者: junyiwoohaha (全球人氣最旺)   2019-03-27 10:23:00

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