Re: [情報] LBJ喊話FA:會維持奪冠心態 就看誰要上車

作者: huntai (婚帶)   2019-04-06 22:50:45
首先, 要得定義他的"championship mindset"是指甚麼?
是身為球隊第一人帶領湖人奪冠呢, 還是退居第二人第三人甚或角色球員都無所謂?
如果是前者, 我敢打賭他已經沒機會了.
從他自稱GOAT那刻起, 要他領導球隊再度奪冠, 只能說意志薄弱.
先來看看他16年剛奪冠後是怎麼說的 :
"My motivation," James says,
"is this ghost I'm chasing. The ghost played in Chicago."
他說要追趕在芝加哥的鬼魅, 就是間接承認自己還沒超過MJ.
I think it's cool to put myself in position to be one of those great
players, but if I can ever put myself in position to be the greatest player,
that would be something extraordinary
然後經過17 18輸掉總冠之後, 他的音調就改變了 :
That’s what I felt. I was super, super ecstatic to win one for Cleveland
because of the 52-year drought. Like, I was ecstatic
"That one right there made you the greatest player of all time."
請注意, 這句話的直譯是 "那個時刻(52年後終於再得冠軍), 讓我變成GOAT"
所以趕快為自己的歷史定位下個註解 ?
※ 引述《kenny1300175 (蘇湖)》之銘言:
: LeBron James pledges 'championship mindset' to upcoming free agents
: By Nick Schwartz | April 5, 2019 6:53 pm
: “I’m looking forward to seeing who jumps in the car with me and wants to
: take this ride to the top. I know what I bring to the game. I know my
: commitment to the game. I’ve never cheated the game throughout my career, it
: ’s always given back to me. I’m not saying I’m guaranteeing a
: championship, but I am guaranteeing my body, I’m guaranteeing my mind will
: always be in championship mindset until I’m done.”
: 我非常期待有誰會跟我一起跳上車,將車一路駛上最高點。
: 我知道自己能為比賽帶來什麼,我知道自己對比賽的承諾,
: 整個生涯我從不辜負我的比賽,而它也總是能帶給我回報。
: 我不是說我一定能保證拿下總冠軍,
: 但我可以保證我的身心、我的思維將始終處於奪冠模式,一直到我退役為止。
: 約上車影片:
: 節錄對話部分,詳情請點:
作者: leehom309536 (907)   2019-04-07 05:43:00
作者: RyanGasoline (萊恩葛斯林)   2019-04-07 11:50:00

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