Enes Kanter Uncertain To Play In Conference Semifinals With Separated Shoulder
Enes Kanter's status for the Western Conference semifinals remains uncertain
after he suffered a separated shoulder against the Oklahoma City Thunder in
game 5.
"I think the Blazers are doing a very good job taking care of it. But, I mean
obviously, I'm not going to lie, it hurts pretty bad. I mean I'm having a
hard time changing my shirt or eating food. So it's a process. We're just
taking it day by day, see how it feels," said Kanter.
Kanter added that he will eventually have to push through the injury.
"They just said it's a separation, it's normally around a month to just heal
it. But I mean, you don't have a month to take off, so I'm just going to push
through it."
Enes Kanter 先前在面對雷霆隊系列賽第五戰受傷
造成他的左邊肩膀分離(Separated Shoulder),因此季後賽第二輪目前不確定能否上場
Kanter 對於拓荒者來說也是非常重要的,面對雷霆隊系列賽場均繳出 13.2分、10.2籃板