pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2019-05-09 13:41:10來源: ClutchPoints
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y3q2w8ph
Bucks fans chant ‘Paul Pierce sucks’ in closing seconds of Game 5
公鹿粉在Game 5末喊: Paul Pierce sucks
Sadly for the Boston Celtics in the 2019 NBA Playoffs, “The Truth” was not
the answer. After shellacking the Milwaukee Bucks in Game 1 of the two teams
’ second-round series, Paul Pierce confidently and calmly proclaimed in the
postgame festivities on NBA TV that the series between the two teams was “
對於青賽來說,2019的季後賽是哀傷的,"真理" Paul Pierce不是他們的答案。在這兩隊
系列戰的Game 1,青賽戰勝了公鹿,Paul Pierce很有信心的宣布這兩隊的系列戰已經結束
Of course, both fate and the presumptive MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo
interviewed and the Bucks were able to reel off four straight convincing
victories to oust the Celtics in five games – coldly ending Pierce’s
prediction in its tracks.
當然,被認為是MVP得主的字母哥Giannis Antetokounmp率領公鹿連拿下四場勝利,4-1擊