Re: [花邊] Klay Thompson看復聯4 還剩一小時就

作者: jt13 (MASTER)   2019-05-09 17:03:42
kt看復四的心情就像我這幾年在看nba 的心情一樣 nba還沒開打 我就已經早早離開電視
現在的nba要完整看完一場都很煎熬何況一個賽季 就連比較熱血的季後賽我也無心關

只會投三分 ~表演灌籃還會失手的nba對我已經沒熱情 英雄爆發的年代對比慢慢沉淪的
nba 真是諷刺
※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)》之銘言:
: 來源: ClutchPoints
: 網址:
: Warriors’ Klay Thompson walked out of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ with an hour le
: 勇士Klay Thompson看"復仇者聯盟4: 終局之戰" 電影還剩一小時他就離開了
: Golden State Warriors shooting guard Klay Thompson apparently wasn’t a fan
: of “Avengers: Endgame.”
: 勇士得分後衛Klay Thompson很顯然不是復聯粉。
: According to Ethan Strauss of The Athletic, Thompson walked out of the movie
: with an hour left. The movie was three hours long:
: 根據The Atheletic記者Ethan Strauss報導,Thompson在這部三小時長的電影還剩一小

: 的時候就走掉了:
: "Thompson conserves his energy for what he loves, and he’s always been
: impatient with any less than favored activity. There was amusement in
: Warriors land when, with an hour left in the film, Klay just got up and left
: a screening of “Avengers: Endgame.” The plot didn’t interest him, not
: enough to demand that much time and attention."
: 「Thompson會把精力保留在他喜歡的事情上,對於他沒興趣的事物時他很沒耐心。勇士

: 團之前有娛樂活動去看"復仇者聯盟4: 終局之戰",當影片還剩一個小時時,Klay就站
: 走掉。劇情對他來說沒吸引力,沒好看到可以讓他花那樣多的時間跟精力在那部電影
: 上。」
: The newest Avengers installment has a 95 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
: ’s currently the second-highest grossing film globally with $2.188 billion
: worldwide. None of that mattered to Thompson, though, who gets impatient wit
: things he doesn’t like.
: 這部漫威最新復仇者系列電影在爛番茄網站上評價有95趴,目前是史上票房第二高,21

: 8800萬鎂。不過,那些都跟Thompson無關,他對沒興趣的事情就是沒耐心。
: The Warriors have bigger fish to fry. They have to figure out a way to get
: Thompson back to playing like the All-Star guard he is. The sharpshooter is
: averaging 15.3 points in the second-round series against the Houston Rockets
: while shooting 38.7 percent from the field and 30.8 percent from beyond the
: arc.
: 勇士現在有更重要的課題,他們得想辦法讓Thompson可以找回全明星的身手。Klay在季
作者: SundayPeople (boredom)   2019-05-09 17:07:00
作者: peanut910013 (123)   2019-05-09 18:38:00
這篇是犧牲自己 來釣魚的吧
作者: kevin3606392   2019-05-09 18:52:00
作者: shadowstrike (無言)   2019-05-09 18:59:00
作者: ralphhoh2000 (挖喜祥)   2019-05-09 19:33:00
登入次數破4000 好歹裝個榜樣 哈哈

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